Round Table Preparations Pt.2

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* follows Hellsing Abridged episode 4, video starts 

Maria P.O.V

Once my family was sent away, I got to work. I immediately began working on the defence. I started organising some of my men for war. The London Coven was prepared for an assault at any moment. Selene was arriving tonight with 1,500 soldiers. The main focus was to hold London. 

Based on the Vatican's report, Millennium had roughly 800 men.  But, I was airing on the side of caution & estimating around 1,000. The number of sympathisers was unknown. I prepared for the worst being sabotage & treason. The majority of my soldiers would stay in London. The rest would be stationed nearby for containment & external communication. Of course, a few regiments would stay at the mansion to support Seras & the Wild Geese. 

With the soldiers in place, I could finally focus on their most dangerous weapon. That cat boy thing was a living paradox. If I were them, I'd use him for a sacrifice play. Alucard loved to drink in dead souls to add to his collections. This would be the only time he could be truly vulnerable. I couldn't afford to lose him. I began researching ways to contain Schrodinger. I searched through all my books & found a useful spell on the last tome. It had a lot of preparation but I could fit it in with an all-nighter. Integra would have to pick up my work but there wasn't much left. 

Integra P.O.V

Aunt Maria had finished most of the war preparations. I hardly had much to organise aside from the barricades. I monitored loose attacks & sent Alucard on a few hunts. Walter was busy creating new guns & Pip was planning the mansion's defence. 

The next few days were the same. Aunt Maria was busy with some supernatural defence that she finally finished. It was something for Alucard. I understood since he was the most valuable person here. We were prepared for another anxious day until the phone rang. 

Admiral Penwood was requesting our attendance for a meeting. We agreed to meet that afternoon. Walter got the heli prepared for our immediate departure. Alucard was called up & loaded into his coffin. After an hour, we were clear to fly. We got in & flew for the London Coven. One of my cars was stashed here for emergencies. We took an hour rest before getting in the car. 

"Penwood has certainly added more men." Aunt Maria noted as we walked to the communications room

"He's on edge like the rest of us." I replied

"Yes but these faces seem fresh. Brings back too many memories of backstabbing." She complained

"Which is why we brought Walter & Alucard." I reminded her

She gave a smirk as we continued our walk in silence. When we arrived, two seats were set out for us. Alucard shrank into the shadows to listen in. Penwood gave his greetings before getting to business. 

"We lost communication with the vessel 18 hrs ago. Currently, it's resting in the Atlantic 300km off the coast of Pauling." He explained

"Have you acquired visual via satellite?" I asked

"Yes & they've left...a bit of a cryptic message that we've yet to make any sense of." an Officer replied as Aunt maria was handed the photos. Someone wrote 'The Cake is a Lie' in blood.

"I...uh-I don't get this. I don't get it." Aunt Maria replied

"We don't either." Penwood agreed

"Is it a reference or something?" I asked

"Of course there was one other shot we had which looks to be someone sitting in the middle with a yellow parasol. Seems a tad bit random if you ask me." the officer added as Aunt Maria showed the picture

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