Round Table Preparations Pt.1

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Follows Hellsing Abridged Episode 4 *video ends at 18:43

Alucard P.O.V

Brazil was a lovely vacation. I was so happy for my few days off. Maria was busy with the twins so Integra was taking over. After controlling some outbreaks at home, I was sent back to brazil. But, Seras & pip were sent to babysit me. Integra wanted to see if we could pick up their traces starting with the dandyman. I found scraps so this turned into a mini-vacation. I was enjoying pulling pranks without them on my ass. But, I still had to report in.

"Say it." I teased

"Fuck you." Integra sneered

"After you say it." I sarcastically replied

"You're really going to force me on this?" She challenged

"I'm at half mast. I need to hear this." I growled

"Fine. You were right!" She crumbled. I could hear the utter frustration & anger in her voice.

"Hmmm, nnnggr hmmmm ngggggggrrrr." I purred, completely satisfied with her reaction

"Jump up your own ass & die!" She yelled before slamming the phone down

"Ahhhhh! Houston...we have no problems." I gloated. I maybe had a second to enjoy that before Anderson bust in the door.

"Ok, dude. I just-I just finished. Imma need like 5 mins over here to recharge." I grinned before getting rifled butted in the face

"Nevermind, we're back in business." I smiled as I tasted my blood. I drew my guns as we prepared to face off

"I've got him." Seras shouted as she tried to charge him. But, He stopped her with one blade & stabbed an order into the wall next to her.

"Ah great & now she's triggered. Could be all day with it." I sighed as Seras crumpled to the floor in a daze

"The good Lord has handed down a blessing to ya filthy heathens as a sign of goodwill. A private Vatican jet. Now, if you would be so very Christian-like to ship your sorry pale ass out! And take your trigger happy harlot with ya. And the woman." He ordered

"Dunc quoi?" Pip eyed him

"Man, I don't know what's funnier. The Catholic strong-arming you into helping us. Or that you obviously haven't seen what I did to big J." I chuckled

"What in Satan's piss did you do?!" He glared

"You'll see when we fly out. Pip grab Seras." I ignored him

I followed him outside to a Vatican car. Pip & Seras came soon after. Pip loaded all of our bags in before Anderson drove us to the airstrip. We quickly boarded but went into our coffins. Today's prank took a lot of energy. I was sleeping well & laughed my head off when I heard Anderson's screams over my little banner. This was going to be a great flight home.

Maria P.O.V

After the police, my stress levels got raised to new heights. Ingrid had accidentally turned her boyfriend during a movie date. I was furious with her carelessness. But, I put in arrangements for someone to watch him. I didn't need a vampire draining the town while we were gone.

The round table meeting had finally been decided. It was tomorrow night. We left for London the next morning & settled into the London coven. I got to work reading the meeting notes to prepare. I had my weapons cleaned since I might need them shortly.

"You should get some rest." Vlad worried as he rocked Eclipsa asleep

"I'm on the last page." I muttered

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