Holding Grudges pt.2

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Vladdy P.O.V

Today, we were finally able to see mom. She was busy with slayer stuff. We didn't know much other than she had a lot of attacks to control. But, she was handling it well & things were slowing down for now. We were so eager to see her after so many months apart. Dad was anxious to get there quick & was ordering Renfield to work inhumanly fast. Luckily, it was a short trip so we didn't have much to pack. Hopefully, we'd be returning as a family instead of separated. With everything packed, Zoltan & I headed down to the throne room.

"Move faster you insufferable mass of filth! I want to arrive as soon as night falls." Dad growled as he angrily paced the room

"Of course Master, whatever you wish." Renfield squealed before running off to pack the pile of trunks

"Hey Dad, the drive is only a few hours. Renfield is already working really hard for us to leave as soon as possible." I commented

"Ah, my son & heir, I know but this trip is critical." Dad worried as he looked over the pile of presents, "I'm missing something aren't I?"

I looked at the mountain of gifts. Dad had everything that mum liked. Her favourite sweets, a gigantic apology card & ballons were in a festive basket. He also had a few bouquets of tulips, roses, carnations & lilies. He also had a lot of plush animals in between a lot of wrapped gifts. The grand pile truly displayed his immense regret. I hope that this would be enough to convince mom to give him another chance.

"No Dad, you're not. Besides, I don't think that anything else could fit. Mum will definitely get the message." I assured him before giving him a big hug

"Thank you Vladdy, I hope you're right. I really hope so." Dad replied with a hint of sadness

"You & mum were made for each other. You'll find a way to win her back." I hoped

"Hmm, that's very true. I don't ever want to lose her. You're right. I have to fight for her and I will no matter what or for how long." Dad cheered up as he broke our hug

"That's the spirit & the Count Dracula everyone knows." I smiled back

"Let's hope so. I miss being a proper family. Can we get going now?" Ingrid huffed as she magically set her bags down

"Yes in an hour or I will skin Renfield centimetre by centimetre." Dad darkly threatened as Renfield came in for the last bags

Renfield quickly got to work & had everything packed up by evening. We fit into the hearse comfortably. Dad was quickly thrown into the travel coffin so he didn't crumble into ash. We had a decent amount of room in the front. Zoltan seemed comfortable in the back. With everyone in, we could head to mum. It would be a 3 hour car ride so we'd arrive just as the sun set. Renfield seemed to be drive faster which didn't bother us. We decided to take a little nap so we'd be energised for mum.

~ 3 hours later ~

Maria P.O.V

My family would be arriving as soon as night fell. Luckily, Walter had everything ready for their stay. It was a great relief to have that off my plate. While I waited for them, I managed to get some reports done. Pip was keeping me well informed of the flight. Alucard was up to his normal antics as he enjoyed his 'vacation'. I had a hearty laugh when I heard that he forced Seras into the cargo hold. It was just his style to not give a damn about people's feelings. I just hoped that the collateral would be light for a change. But, there was nothing to do but wait fo more information to come in. I rubbed my temple as i finished for the night. I had a few moments of peace as the sun finally set.

The Lost Countess (Book 2) (Count Dracula fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora