Drac is back

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follows hellsing Abridged episode 8

Maria P.O.V

London was definetly getting worse. We were halfway to Picadilly when the rest of the Catholic Church appeared. Maxwell brought a several helis to begin his crusade, as if we needed more explosions. The added carnage wasn't too annoying if he wasn't incessantly monolouging. I was so tempted to find high ground & rip his plane apart. 

"You know...I think your boy Maxwell's letting his new authority get to his head a little. You should probably have a talk with him." I discreetly ordered

"He's...he's just under a lot of pressure." Heinkel tried to justify

"I mean, words only have as much meaning as ve give zem."She struggled to rationalise

"You're right a lot open to interpretation there." Integra scoffed

"Maybe one of us should have a talk vith him." She conceded 

"Aye let me have a wee chat." Anderson agreed as teh 'new god' comment broke him

"Oh, we have an idea." Integra hinted

"Women." Anderson warned us

"Why not write down a formal protest?" I suggested

"Don't you dare!" He glared as everyone started getting tense

"You can nail it to his door." I smirked

"Don't you fuckin' dare!" He growled

"Like a protestant." Integra laughed as everyone pointed guns at us. But, the ring was broken up by Seras's superhero landing.

"Well, if it isn't Alucard's sidekick. Back for more of what I gave you last time." He slighted her

"Why don't ya try sticking it in me again? I might like it this time." Seras debuted like Alucard would

"Father Anderson!" Heinkel disapproved

"Context Heinkel." He explained

"Seras report! And...explain?" Integra commanded as we were startled by her appearance

"Base is secure. Nearly everyone's dead. David turned Pip. Ate some of Pip's blood. Full fledged vampire now." She quickly replied

"And you're going to die a full-fledged vampire. It's a shame your blood sugar daddy won't be here to see it." Anderson gloated

Seras prepared for a fight but we knew one wasn't coming. "Ready to die" started blaring off in the distance & an eerie fog rolled in. It was Alucard's signature entrance. We couldn't hide our smiles while everyone watched in horror. We all ran towards a square that Alucard was headed for. I grabbed Integra as the 3 of us landed on a roof for visual. 

The cocky bastard was back & right in the middle of Vatican paladins and Nazis. Both sides had their weapons aimed at him. Of course, he didn't care & started small talk with Anderson and the Nazi officer from earlier. 

"Aluuucard!" Integra shouted as he was getting side tracked

"Whaaattt?" He whined

"Release restraint level..."I began before getting interrupted by some redneck. Luckily, Alucard hushed him with a bullet in the head.

"Fuck it dropping the formalities." I sighed

"Alucaard! Go on a walk." I ordered, prepared to take in the carnage

The fools pathetically tried shooting & stabbing his shadow. But, he was too powerful for any of that to work. It was just all show for him releasing his millions of trapped souls & reverting to his original form. 

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