Rise of the Draculina

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Follows Hellsing abridged episode 7

Vlad P.O.V

The reports coming from London was a nightmare. London was on fire & overrun with Nazis. Mum was somewhere trapped in the city with Aunt Integra & Walter. Uncle Alucard was still stranded in the channel which was the worst news. He was the best chance for turning things around. We desperately need him & hopefully we could rescue him in time. Even the Hellsing HQ was a nightmare as a recon unit was breaking it apart. The only good news was that everyone was holding their positions. London was being contained for now but it couldn't last forever. It was looking like the same story for the mansion.

Grandpa was scrambling a response force given the bits of incoming info. Dad was a nervous wreck & paced around in anger. Ingrid was nervous but stayed calm. She stayed by Grandpa's side to learn more military strategy. I wanted to join them but I was too nervous to listen to any more news. I stayed with Grandma & the twins in her court where it was a bit calmer.

"Grandma?" I asked as she finished praying

"Yes, what's on your mind?" She replied, coming to sit next to me by the window. Her ladies & nursemaids watched over the twins.

"Mum will come back right? She's been through this before even worse?" I asked

"Yes, she will. These Nazi vampires aren't that strong. They just have a large army & caught her by surprise. But, this is a bit mild compared to other times." She assured me as I nestled into her side

"What's worse than this?" I asked

"I don't think more war stories will help. Your nerves are nearly as shot as your father's." She worried

"I could use the distraction. Besides, I need to hear how she's come back from worse. Right now, this is the worst I've ever seen her deal with." I begged

"If you think it'll help. Well, her childhood wasn't the most stable or peaceful. She was born in a time of war. I think that's why she so good at leading during conflict. It's the only world she was know for most of her life." She began, mussing my hair for comfort

"When she was born, she wasn't as strong as she is now. In fact she was the weakest." She revealed

"How? She's so intimidating to everyone else." I laughed

"People change. Quite literally for her. When she was born, she looked exactly like your Aunt Denria. But, she was only stronger than a human. Other vampires, werewolves & gods could overpower her." She continued

"But, she used her frailty to trick them. They underestimated her & fought carelessly. She used their mistakes to overpower them, their hubris becoming her strength. She still does that now despite all the powers she's accumulated. Old habits die hard." She finished

"I see why everyone else is so much calmer. How did she get this strong?" I said as everything began to make a little more sense

"She died. But, she came back stronger than anyone had seen before." She continued

"Wait, she died?? How, when?" I asked in utter bewilderment

"She was 17. Back home on another world, a powerful demon was trying to wipe us out. It was occult vs occult. A long & bloody civil war that continues today. At the time, our castle was being besieged. Everyone except children like Miranda & Denria fought on the front lines." She recalled struggling to hold back tears

"Your mother took a spear to the chest to protect Marcus. She was brought in on the verge of death. Grandpa fed her his blood to save her but it didn't work. We all mourned her & prepared her body for burial. When we woke the next night, she was alive. She changed into how she looks now. But, I could feel an internal change. She had this fiery aura of darkness as if hell itself was behind her. She was herself but not. The light & dark within finally resolved. A child of the night impervious to destruction by day." She finished

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