Museum Heist

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Maria P.O.V

The following 2 months after the dance weren't any easier. Ingrid's 16th birthday was getting closer & closer. I had to spend extra time training with her so she could control her powers. The most important lessons were her impulse control around blood. She was too much like her father & was struggling. But, I could tell that she was genuinely trying.

Mina was trying to mend the family. But, I slyly sabotaged her efforts. I knew neither of them would change & didn't want another fight. I made sure to meet outside of the castle during the day. But, I had to be in before dusk so Vlad wouldn't go after them. Mina enjoyed our lunch dates while the boys discreetly tried to convince me to leave. I laughed at their attempts & just focused on my family.

Integra didn't report any meetings. The queen designated us as the head of the defence forces. Everyone was taking precautions since an attack was imminent. Vlad & the kids were nervous about me fighting. They were hoping that I'd give birth before. I also hoped that my relative good luck would stay around a bit longer.

At 8 months, I tried to stay off my feet as much as possible. I was still reading & sending reports. If I needed to move quickly, I relied on teleportation. But, I could never risk using magic in public. With more time at home, I had to babysit Ingrid & Vlad. Luckily, Vladdy was helping me ensure that they weren't biting anyone. Tonight, we had to stop both of them from biting Will. Vlad was moody after being stopped so I had to console him.

Vladdy P.O.V

"Look, Ingrid. Perhaps you should stay away from Will. This close to your transformation you've got no control over your powers." I begged

"You worry too much." She ignored me & tried to open the door by pulling apart the handle, "I meant to do it."

"Yeah." I mumbled as I posed like mum. Ingrid glared at me but was distracted by the doorbell

"That's Will again. Don't answer it." I warned her

"He's my boyfriend & no one is going to stop me from kissing him goodnight." She argued back

I held in the laughs as she dragged Robin in with a kiss. Only when she opened her eyes, she finally realised her mistake. She melodramatically tried wiping her mouth while Robin was happily dazed.

"If you tell anyone about this bat breath, I will chop off your tongue & feed it to Renfield." She threatened before running away gagging

"I think I'm in love." Robin mumbled before tossing me a paper, "Read."

"The staff of Carpathia, a new attraction at Stokely Museum. Legend has it that one blow from the staff will cure vampirism. Robin this is brilliant!" I thanked him

"ooh, yeah." He muttered

I laughed as I dragged him to mum's office. I couldn't wait to share the good news & knew she'd help. Plus with dad in a mood, he wouldn't know about our plans. Mum was reading some reports but took a break for us. She quickly agreed to take me, robin & chloe to the museum tomorrow afternoon. Robin stayed for dinner but mum walked him back home. I was actually able to sleep well knowing that tomorrow would be a success.

The next day, dad decided to sleep in. We could get ready in peace & were out by noon. Mum left a note on the door saying we were at the park. She knew the passivity of the day would keep dad away. We walked to the Branaghs to get chloe & robin. After a quick hello, we were off to the museum. Robin kept asking about Ingrid & I kept telling him to leave it be. He let it go to focus on directions to the exhibition. Chloe & mum properly read the sign so they led.

The Lost Countess (Book 2) (Count Dracula fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon