Magda's baby drama pt.2

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Vladdy P.O.V

The witch was making life actual hell. Dad was moody from her presence & started hunting more often. He was drawing more attention to us than needed. This morning he got even more riled up when Ingrid & I mentioned Patrick. Magda got nervous & trembled a little as she read baby names. Dad got so mad that he started burning the book. Renfield tried to help by splashing water but got Dad instead. Dad spent the morning torturing Renfield while we went to school. I was happy to see Robin & vent with him as we walked down.

"I mean biting humans I can understand." Robin criticised before taking a bit bite of his sandwich, "But, poor innnocent animals...What's up with you?"

"The witch is having a baby." I groaned

"Magda?! That's terrible news. Your mum is going to have a fit & maybe even freeze the Earth." Robin realised

"Yeah, that's exactly what Ingrid & I are worried about. Mum's temper is like nothing else. It makes Dad look like a light sprinkle in comparison. I'm more worried about another vampire coming into the world." I confided

"Well, hopefully Magda will leave soon. Your mum won't toss her out when she's close to delivery. But, he could be a bit of a boring one like you." Robin tried to cheer me up

"Thanks Robin, I knew you would cheer me up." I sarcastically huffed before heading to class

Class was boring but a welcome distraction. Ingrid seemed to be fine with her crowd. She was up to some scheme when I noticed a horde following her. I finally realised the reason during lunch. She had posted posters for a charity gala around the entire school. I took down a few but there were too many. I chased after her to confront her as we walked up the hill.

"They love me. They love me. They love me. They really love me." Ingrid gloated as she picked petals off her bouquet

"Ingrid in need. You're sick." I scolded her

"So it would seem." She nonchalantly replied

"I don't believe you pretending you've got a terminal illness just to get a few presents." I pointed out

"Sounds like someone's jealous." Ingrid mocked me with her baby voice

"What've I got to be jealous of?" I brushed off

"Well lets see, here's me getting all this attention at school. And at home, you're not Dad's favourite anymore." She gloated as I got smacked in the chest with her flowers. With that, she happily trotted off.

"Ingrid of course I'm dad's favourite. Nothing's going to change that." I rebutted as I chased after her

Maria P.O.V

I actually decided to follow up on Alucard's Nazis suggestion. It was the only lead we had at the moment. The attacks didn't have any Vatican ties so I ruled them out. I had to find my old files on the Nazis Occult division. The dusty files were very extensive so I had a many late night readings. Integra found a case in Japan & had Alucard & Seras sent over. He got the job done in two nights so we checked in for pickup. I took a break from the files to call him.

"Hello Alucard, how's Japan?" I asked

"Ehh, I'd say about 99.9% done. Sup, main B?" Alucard jokingly asked

"I need to talk to you about some important guest coming today." I explained

"Are they hookers?" He asked

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