Ingrid's Sweet 16th

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Maria P.O.V

After the museum, I kept a close eye on Vlad. I didn't want to deal with any more body swapping antics. He surprised me by behaving, probably due to the rapidly approaching due date. I was a few weeks away from delivering. We would return to my home after Ingrid's birthday so the whole family would be together.

Vlad of course pretended to forget her birthday. I expected him to & had planned in advance. We would have a small gathering here & a ball when we visited home. Vladdy & Robin helped me decorate. I was so thankful since heights were too risky. We had our normal morning routines as the gifts & decor were glamoured. I lifted the spell once she came downstairs.

"Mum, this is...amazing." Ingrid smiled

"It's your big day, only the best for my little girl." I replied as I hugged her

"Not so little once I get my fangs." Ingrid joked as we walked to the dining table

"What first birthday girl?" I asked as we gathered around

"Presents duh." She smirked as she eyed the pile

She picked up random gifts & read any accompanying cards. She got new jewels from my parents, a thick spell book from Denria & an engraved dagger from Marcus.

Miranda sent an encyclopaedia on rare creatures & William gave a rare alchemy book. She loved them along with Robins custom music box of her. But, Vladdys blood free book was burnt to a crisp. I laughed since she had her father's attitude.

"Ah presents. Oh the unmortification. Vladdy, I've forgotten your birthday." Vlad lied

"My birthday! My 16th birthday." Ingrid corrected him as I gave him side eye

"Oh nonsense. If it were, the castle bell would be tolling to summon you for your vampire transformation." He dismissed as I held in my giggles

The castle bells quickly tolled after. He continued to lie. But, he eventually gave in after a few loud chimes. His present was his own fang brush. I smacked him on his arm for the thoughtless gift.

"How original of you." Ingrid complained

"Oh please, your mother has spoiled you rotten." He huffed which made me laugh

"Happy birthday darling." Magda said after barging in

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled as the room began to quake

"It's my daughters birthday. Where else would I be." She sneered, "I can see you've been busy snacking away. My my, it's only been a year."

"She's pregnant, bimbo. I already have my family here & really don't need you ruining things like always." Ingrid defended me

"Bon bon, you let her speak to me like that! I even brought a gift." She feigned pain

"You have no place in this house or family. After insulting her mother, I really don't care how she treats you. If you've nothing nice to say to my wife then go back to your mutt." Vlad supported Ingrid

"Then I'll just take her first coffin away." Magda gloated after ripping it open

"Nice bribe but she already has one." I smiled before snapping my fingers

"Really?!" Ingrid excitedly asked

"You're a royal. Of course you'd have a coffin like mine." I replied which sent her running to her room

"What pathetic coming of rage party is planned?" Magda huffed in defeat

"She has a full celebratory ball waiting back home. Today is a small family gathering. So, you're really not needed." I grinned

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