Magda's baby drama pt 3

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Vladdy P.O.V

Dad was completely focused on the baby. He even gave the baby my name & planned to anoint him later tonight. Now, I was desperate to get back in his good graces. I knew that Magda would use the baby as a loophole to claim the castle & kick mum out. Until mum returned, I would have to be more vampiric.

"Ah, most fetching Master Vlad." Zoltan complimented me

"Well, I've got to impress dad somehow if I want my title back. No way Magda is living here again." I explained my plan

I got annoyed when I stepped on a baby toy. I quickly tossed it across the room. It landed behind Zoltan as a charred mess. Unfortunately, Zoltan's tail caught most of the fire. He was howling in pain while I was frozen in shock.

"Oh wow, I did the fire thing." I realised before going to the hallway, "Dad! I just set fire to Zoltan's tail!"

"Oh yes, invite the whole village why don't you." Zoltan scolded me, "Fire, fire!"

I scurried around for some water to put out the fire. I found a water pail in the corner & quickly grabbed it. I ran over & dumped it on his tail. He was pretty burnt but the missing patch wasn't too large.

"Sorry. But hey, I did the fire thing." I apologised before heading down to show off

"Good morning fellow vampires!" I announced before focusing on the candle, "Dad look, I can do the fire thing."

"Do you want some matches?" Ingrid smirked when I failed

"I did it a minute ago." I quickly declined before trying again. But, I failed again & no one bothered to look.

"Dad?" I annoyingly asked. But, he was busy with the farting baby.

"Oh, who's done an evil nappy then? Little vladdy has." Dad ignored me

"He's not called Vlad. I am." I stormed off for school. When I arrived, the twins were announcing Ingrid's gala but took a moment to ridicule me.

"Vlad this is not a good look. Even I don't come to school dressed like that anymore." Robin warned me

"Well, you're not the next count Dracula." I argued

"Neither are you." He reminded me

"Cheers Robin." I grumbled as started slamming open lockers. Unfortunately, I slammed one into Jano's face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was an accident. I'm really sorry." I profusely apologised as I covered his bloody nose with a handkerchief

"Get back fiend. You'll never suck the blood of a slayer." Mr. Van Helsing spat as he clutched jano

"I wasn't sucking on anything. I'm sorry." I explained

"You will be. I was about to declare a ceasefire. But now I know, my boy will never be safe until all vampire life has been scorched from this Earth." He vowed before storming off

I was distracted by his threat for the rest of the day. Things were getting crazier much faster without mum. I hoped that she would be returning soon. We didn't hear from her last night which was worrying. When Dad wasn't focused on the baby, he kept assuring us that she was fine. Magda didn't seem to happy about that which made us worry even more. I wasn't getting anything done at school these past few days. Luckily, Robin let me vent to him & did his best to distract me as we walked to my place. But, I was quickly annoyed again when I found Zoltan singing to the baby in the throne room.

"Oh master Barry." Zoltan greeted me

"Oh great so now even Zoltan's on his side." I groaned as Robin went to check on him

The Lost Countess (Book 2) (Count Dracula fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt