Due Date

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Maria P.O.V
I was due any day this week. Vlad treated me like a delicate egg. I appreciated his concern but it was a bit much. I had my ladies, guards & family around me. Nothing could happen without them being told instantly. I took it as slow as possible to avoid early labour.

Ingrid was starting her training earlier. I watched as Selene trained her in the courtyard. I gave my tips but Selene was a fine teacher. Ingrid was working hard & pushing herself. I worried that she would get tired but Selene assured me she wasn't. It really was like looking in a mirror when she trained.

"I almost thought that she was you." Father noted as he sat with me

"It's odd to see the similarities." I replied as my focus remained

"I was always proud of your feats. You did well in the program." He smiled

"Not like I had a choice. But, thanks for the compliment." I muttered

"Her training time may need to be sped up." He dryly said

"You've already made up your mind. How fast are you pushing?" I asked with clenched teeth

"8 years. 6 years of training & 2 years of residency. It's already unorthodox so I had to cut her training." He justified

"You know how intense the training is. Any cuts, especially 4 years, is suicide." I reminded him

"You anticipated my decision. If you were worried, you would have stalled again." He pointed out

"She's as stubborn as you. She may look like him but she has your personality & heart. She'll make it & excel just like you did." He assured me

They continued for hours so lunch was served outside. The rest of the family joined us to watch. Ingrid was learning quick but she was sloppy. Her timing was off despite getting the moves correctly. She needed to be fluid & quick, exploiting any small slip up. Vlad tried to distract her but she ignored him. That made me smile while he sulked. I began to realise that she was fit for this like I was. Training stopped early in the evening.

"How was it?" I asked as she came over

"Intense but I'll adjust with time." Ingrid smiled

"Your timing needs work but that's always the hardest thing to learn." I noted

"Huh, I always thought it was the moves. Selene was so quick & seemed to land any shot." Ingrid pondered

"Timing is what makes us so fluid. With that, you can make some really painful combos. But all in time." I explained

"So no guns yet." Ingrid figures out

"Master hand to hand then knives & finally guns." I replied

"Cool." She smiled

"Oh gooodie, she'll be wrecking our home in no time." Vlad complained. Before I could retaliate, Ingrid grabbed his arm & flipped him onto his back.

"Only the training room, dad." She grinned, "Now I need an ice bath before dinner."

Count P.O.V

Everyone had a laugh at Ingrid's backflip. I pretended to be angry when I stormed off. But, I found it funny how much she acted like Maria. She truly was her mother's daughter. I decided to read a book at the desk until dinner.

"I see that you're already sulking." Maria teased

"You & her can gloat about your favourite move to use on me." I whined

"Be happy that she only knows that for now." She reminded me

"Goodie, my daughter & wife can team up to bully me. This is just wonderful." I sarcastically replied

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