A Hellsing Welcome

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* follows hellsing ultimate abridged episode 6
Integra P.O.V

After the Iscariots killed the nazi unit chasing us, we were forced to follow them through the city. Aunt Maria was visibly upset being stuck around them. But, we didn't have a choice being on our own. We just kept silent & observed them as we walked through the chaos of Camden. We assisted in some of the killing as an ice breaker to our awkward situation. It was shaping up to be a long walk to the nearest checkpoint & we needed some breaks to avoid fatigue. I enjoyed the nice cigar break as Anderson killed the last grunt in the area.

"I think zhat vas the last one. Goot thing too, I fear you're running out of bayonets." Heinkel commented

"Care to correct yourself?" Anderson growled

"S-Sorry sir. You have bayonets for days!" She quickly apologised

"Bayonets for days." Anderson smiled

"Father Anderson. I believe I speak for all of us when I ask...why did we go out of our way to save these uuh..." a grunt questioned

"Women." I muttered

"I didn't want to assume." He justified

"I was actually wondering that myself." Aunt Maria noted

"Alucard would have left Maxwell to die. Probably after putting a bullet in his leg." I finished

"I am a man of 3 things: God, virtue & disobeying that prat Maxwell when it suits me! And if I'd have let the women die, I would have been none of the three!" He explained

"Wait, so... you just defy your master's orders on a whim?" Aunt Maria asked, unsure if she heard right

"Aye!" He proudly agreed

"Goood God, it's strange to see this from the outside." I muttered in pure shock of the similarities between him & Alucard

"Now, let's get to your checkpoint you English sows." Anderson ordered, resuming our march to Piccadilly

Seras P.O.V

The manor felt so empty with everyone gone. Tensions were at an all high with the heavy hitters away. Communications being down for a few hours didn't help much. When they were up, the news wasn't much better. London was burning & in total ruins. Everyone was holding onto their positions but the masters locations were unknown. They were last seen with Admiral Penwood. Given the chaos, we weren't expecting an update soon. We all began to prepare for the storm heading our way soon. Luckily, Pip managed to get the defences in order yesterday. He told us to stay off some parts of the grass which was very concerning. I could only assume that it was something horrible & explosive. I stayed inside to avoid setting something off. The inside was sectioned off into various chokepoints & barricade like crazy.

The vampire reinforcements were a needed help. They did a lot of heavy lifting to reinforce the building. We were given a couple battalions under David Corvin, Selene's only sire. He was also the leader of the eastern coven built by his mother Amelia, one of the original elders. Alucard liked him because he enjoyed fighting & was rather talented. But, he had control over his bloodlust & wasn't as rash as my master. His level headedness was a enormous relief for Pip when organising the defences.

We would be working in mixed units spread through the house. There were a few teams for each wing & level. The windows were barricaded with tons of sandbags. Black steel wall reinforcements & barricades were placed to seal of entry ways & flanking positions. The point was to funnel them through the front & into several dead ends where we could mow them down. Assuming everything went to plan, most of us should survive the night.

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