Holding Grudges pt. 1

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* follows Helsing ultimate abridged episode 3 which starts at 25:39 in the video clip

Maria P.O.V

I hated being away from the kids but I was too upset with Vlad. I called everyday to check in with them. They missed me dearly & kept asking when I was coming home. I painfully told them that I was still undecided. Vlad & I would talk a little but i couldn't let go of my rage. It had been months but I was hurt by how gullible he was. He kept sending me extravagant gifts & lengthy cards expressing his guilt. It got to the point that Alucard, Seras & Walter had to toss some of it out.

As for me, I was buried in work. I had officially ended my teaching job at Stokely Grammar. With vampire attacks on the rise, I was needed at Helsing. It felt like the old days with me at the helm again. However, there was one tiny change. Alucard was completely right about me being pregnant. I had a small bump & was nearing my first trimester. Seras was head over heels & treated me like a delicate egg. Walter, Integra & Alucard were always near & would grab anything for me. The four of them were my bodyguards & were excited for the baby. Pip increased our security & started making a bedroom next to me as a nursery. He & Walter seemed to enjoy the renovations.

"Sooo, you ever going to tell dumb-dumb?" Alucard asked as he lounged around my office

"Don't know yet. I know that I should but there hasn't been a right time." I replied as I kept my focus on the reports

"You can't keep dodging him. Bringing a kid home isn't like surprising him with a snake. I know you'll figure it out." Alucard assured me as he waved a cup of blood in my face

"Thanks, psychopath." I smirked before taking the glass & enjoying a nice sip, "Hmm, something is off when I'm taking life advice from you."

"Anytime besides I'm irreplaceable. It's very rare when this happens too. That's when you're in the dumps." Alucard reminded me

"Hmm, cocky bastard. Am I too petty? It's just...I can't stop being mad at him. I hate how easily she can fool him." I vented

"No, you're not. He messed up big time & it's completely natural for you to be furious. In the past, you would have destroyed half of Europe until you calmed down. Now, you've matured into a brooding & collected mother. You've actually made some slight progress into controlling your undying rage." He supported me

"Hmm, thanks for the backhanded compliment, you arrogant, smug, cocky prick." I thanked him

"You love it, you controlling, bipolar, ruthless genius." He shot back before leaving

The rest of the day was fairly relaxing. The attacks were small & could be easily handled by our own men. I did send Alucard & Seras out on a few missions so he wouldn't get bored. I was slowly getting closer to finding the surviving Nazis. Their trail in Germany was messy especially towards the end of the war. But, I was figuring out where they went to afterwards. A lot of surviving SS officers managed to hide in South America. It was only natural that the occult division would find sympathisers there as well. Now, I just had to figure out which country was harbouring them.

~ following morning ~

The worst part of being pregnant was the nausea. I hated starting off the day vomiting in the loo but I was excited to be a mom again. I cleaned up & got dressed for another long day. The day was the usual duties with me spending hours in the office reading reports & assigning missions. I did get a nice break when Alucard asked to spar. My reflexes were just as sharp & I could still surprise him. I did cheat slightly by using some magic but that was his fault for not setting limits. Alucard took his beating like a good sport before I trained the police girl. With that, I got dressed & relaxed before I had to orient some late additions.

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