CHAPTER 29: "What if they don't like me?"

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"Okay first we need a link to Adam." Granny says and my eyes drift towards Allison. She smiles at me and walks over.

"Thank you for being there for my brother." She says simply and I nod and she squeezes my hand.

"Okay and we'll also need a strong link to your spiritual plain. Someone who you can channel as a beacon or something." Granny says, but before I can even ask what she means, Zayn volunteers.

"I'll do it." He says and Granny shares a look with him, but it only lasts for a second and I frown. Probably nothing.

"Okay let's begin. Claire, take Adam and Zayn's hands and Allison take Adam's other hand." Granny instructs. We follow her instructions and wait for the next.

"Claire focus your energy on Adam. Try to manifest him in this world. It may sound complicated, but once you get the hang of it, you'll know what to do. Use Zayn's energy as a channeling mechanism." Granny guides me further and I nod and close my eyes just focusing on Adam's still body.

Zayn's grip tightens on me and I clear my mind and just keep Adam in my thoughts. His crystallised eyes, his smooth silky dark brown hair, his boyish grin and his constant loving nurture. I feel that focus shifting into something powerful, something light.

The energy around me is massive and with Adam in my mind it just amplifies everything. I feel Zayn's hold loosening a bit, but ignore it and just put everything I mentally have into this. Granny said that I may lose my gift, but if I'm honest, I'll be okay without it. Sure I will miss Zayn and Catherine and my notorious sixth sense, but that gift has let me and my family down a dangerous path.

If anything, not having the gift is kind of a blessing in disguise. Yes, I won't be able to help people anymore, but there are a lot of other ways for me to do so in a much more human way.

With that in mind, I give it my all. My light power is definitely overpowering, but I still feel that lingering dark essence. Something I will probably need to learn how to control in a later stage if my power holds.

My left hand, the one holding Adam's hand, start to move and I smile lightly. I open my eyes, but once I do, something feels wrong.

I turn to my right, where Zayn was, to find the spot empty. I let go of Adam's hand and look around, searching for the smirking guy. I still see Catherine, Cade, Granny Rose, Brad and Becca (Lilah and Oliver probably left to go get the police since that was part of our original plan), but no Zayn.

"W-where is he?" I stutter, but before Granny can say anything, Adam gasps. He sits upright and goes into a coughing fit. I crouch down next to him and Allison is also on the other side of him. He sees me and smiles and I return it and point my head in her direction.

"Ally?" Adam asks hesitantly and she laughs and throws herself in his arms. I let them have their reunion and put my attention back to Granny Rose.

"Where is Zayn? Why can I still see everyone and not him?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"Remember when you told me that your connection to Zayn is far stronger than your connection to anyone else?" Granny asks and I merely nod, not able to find my voice, practically knowing where this is going.

"Well, Zayn came to me, earlier today and he made a proposition. He asked me if it was possible to exchange his link to you for your life if it came to it. I told him it is a big gamble, but we can try. And when that had befallen Adam, we assumed that you can do it for Adams life as well. It was risky, but it worked." Granny says and I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my cry.

"So what does that mean?" I ask shakily.

"He found peace." Granny says and tears streams down my face, yet again for probably the hundredth time tonight.

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