CHAPTER 20: She wanted to kill him."

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"She wanted to kill him."

My eyes widen and I don't even think it's possible but now I hate her even more.

"That monster wanted to kill an innocent baby?" I ask in disbelief, feeling the anger and pure unadulterated hatred for that woman seeping into my body.

"Yes. But even she couldn't do it. So she put him in foster care to hide him from Mom and Dad." She says and I frown.

"Why would she take him? She already-" I stop and force the next few words out. "-she already caused your death. What more could she do to us?" I ask hurt and feel tears coming up my throat .

"As you know, she was jealous and really wanted children of her own, so she didn't want to have our parents to have any kind of happiness." She says and I can't even believe how awful she is.

"So she took away as much joy as she can. But why did she leave me?" I ask bitterly.

"I don't know. Probably as a reminder to our parents of what they lost." She shrugs and I try to keep levelheaded.

"Gosh. She's evil." I mutter.

"But that's not all." Catherine says.

"There's more?" I ask incredulously.

"She needed Cade. Since The Gift, runs in the family, she needed someone from our generation." She explains but I frown

"What do you mean? I have The Gift. It skipped everyone and went to me?" I phrase the question.

"Yes, but she needed one of us to pull the strings and play the puppet. Only one person from our generation of this bloodline can get The Gift, which was you. But since Shelby is using dark magic, that means that the rules no longer count." She says and the puzzle pieces Catherine is laying out is starting to make sense, but I really wish that they won't.

"Please don't tell me it is what I think..." I trail off with tears in my eyes.

"Shelby couldn't keep the control of the dark power she dabbled in. So, after 13 years of Cade being in foster care, she got him back. She made sure that he got into the worst households so that he can hate his real parents for 'giving him up'. She got Cade and told him about our parents, but she lied. She told them that we were triplets, but she twisted the story. She said that after I died, that mom and dad couldn't bare to have two children so they gave the one without The Gift away. Which is absurd since they don't even know that you have it. So she moulded him into something evil. She made him hate you and our parents. Then when he was 16, she taught him dark powers since she couldn't keep the control of it herself since she isn't in our generation. Cade is the one behind everything. He is spying on you, he caused that explosion in the science class and every other thing thereafter. But he's only doing it under her influence. You have to save him Claire. That magic, it isn't safe. Your powers are binded with light. The kind Shelby made him use is evil, dark and has dangerous consequences. Cade could die. I know he did all this cruel stuff, but he's our brother. You didn't have the chance to save me, but you can save him. Please, Claire." Catherine says looking me in the eyes.

As I open my mouth, I feel a strong pull. I look at her in confusion, but she merely smiles softly

"You have to go now. Someone is here for you. We'll talk again soon. Please, save Cade." She says as her voice disappears towards the end of the sentence.

I feel the same pull I had earlier and just let it take me into darkness...


"Claire! Damn, Claire, answer me!"

My eyelids flutter open and I see clear gray blue eyes staring at me. I blink my eyes a few times and as my vision clears, I see Adam standing in front of me as I'm seated in my car with the door open.

"Are you okay? What the hell happened? You didn't answer my calls and I got so worried that I sped here and when I saw your car in front of the tree, I panicked. You were out for about an hour when I got here, since that is how long it took me to get here! Claire what happened?" He rambles in a frantic voice, similar to the one he had on the phone earlier.

I don't know if it is because of his concern or my general exhaustion, but I feel tears rushing down my face and I make no attempt to stop it. Adam notices this and pulls me in his embrace as I let all my emotions out. I sob into his chest as holds me and rubs my back in a soothing manner. I clutch at his shirt and feel all the frustration, anger and most of all, sadness flowing out of me.

I cry for my dead sister, my parents who lost so much, my grandmother who is kept in the dark, my brother who is being manipulated by my psycho aunt, my best friend facing the biggest challenge of her life, the man holding me and who's greatly entangled in this mess and most importantly for myself who's caught in the middle of everything.

I just cry my heart out for everything, leaving nothing behind.

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