CHAPTER 2: "You've been dead for a year, what did you expect?"

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The drive from our town of Riverside to Mountain View is a basic two hour drive, so I left school and texted Becca on my predicament.

My parents wouldn't be too worried about my disappearing, since both of them are out of town for business. They'll only back in two days, so I don't have to explain that.

Allison gave me the address of her family's home and she disappeared, probably to find her own way back. She's a newbie ghost and they normally struggle to find their way around our world.

I became aware of my 'powers' when I was 8 years old. My grandfather died of an unexpected heart attack. We were all at my grandparents house and I sat in the treehouse my grandfather built for me. There was a small chalk board in the corner and suddenly the chalk lifted and a message was scrawled in his handwriting, saying, Tell Granny I love her, Carrie.

I immediately knew that it was him, because he was the only one who called me Carrie. Instead of being scared and freaked out, I felt this strange feeling of contentment. It felt like a very strong need to help others.

I went to my grandmother and told her what happened. She cried and then she explained it to me. This is something that runs in our family. It always skipped a generation. So it skipped my Mom and I got it. Granny Rose then told me that I had the ability to talk to the deceased and that I have an obligation to help them crossing over or just resolve conflict with their living relatives.

After my brief encounter with my grandfather, I didn't see any ghosts until I was 10 years old. It was a boy, Travis, my age, who passed away in a boating accident. Granny Rose helped me and we set his family at ease.

The feeling I felt after helping Travis was addicting. I knew I had to help more people. With each spirit I help, my abilities develop more. I started out with just seeing writings or just feeling presences to actually seeing them. Sometimes the touch doesn't work, but maybe in a few years, I might be able to get a firmer hold in the spirit world.

Even though Granny Rose warned me against getting to steadfast in the spirit world, I never had any encounters with evil spirits. Which is a bonus on my part.

The only people who know about my abilities, is Granny Rose and Becca. Granny Rose told me to refrain from telling my mother, because she always thought that Granny Rose was crazy or mental. My parents are very religious, so they would definitely send me to a priest for a exorcism if I tell them.

And I only told Becca, because I actually met Becca, because her father died and he came to me, two years ago. I helped Becca and her mother move on and since then, Becca and I were best friends. We have a group of friends, but Becca's the only one I trust with my secret. Along with Brad, my other best friend.

Sometimes I'd see random spirits just roaming around. Some don't have unfinished business, some just refuse to leave our world, because they're watching over family members. I would talk to them and try to convince them to cross over, but some are very set on staying and even though I can't help them, I'd just talk to them, so that they're not alone the entire time.

"She's engaged!"

I jump and almost swerve my Ford Mustang 1968 off the road. One of the spirits just hanging around in our world is currently seated in the passenger seat.

"Jeez, Zayn, do you want me to make an accident?" I shout and glare at him.

"Sorry Claire, I just needed to vent. Riley is actually engaged to Tim!" He shouts in rage and the radio crackles.

"Zayn, please don't break my radio again." I mutter and he sighs.

"Sorry, but I can't believe she's actually marrying him." He says in pure distaste.

"You've been dead for a year, what did you expect?" I ask quite harshly.

"I expected her to wait atleast a bit longer." He says hurt.

I sigh and turn to him with sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I know it's hard seeing Riley moving on, but maybe it's time for you to-"

"Nope. Not interested in hearing your cross over speech. Who would irritate you if I cross over?  So, what's the new case?" He asks leaning back in the seat.

"A girl wanting to provide her brother with comfort. I really feel for her." I say, concentrating on the road.

"You always feel for everyone. That's why there's less ghosts around here. You care so much that you're actually giving up your school time to help someone you don't even know, but Claire you need to remember-"

"Nope. Not interested in hearing your put yourself first speech." I say expertly throwing his own words back at him.

"But you don't have to put your entire life on hold each time a ghost comes up to you. Remember that time you ducked out of your maths final to help a man in distress?" He says and I noticably wince.

"His wife was about to kill herself. I had to help him!" I exclaim, remembering that I faked a wave of nausea to go to the bathroom during my maths final.

"But still, Claire you need to remember you have your own life." He says in a caring tone.

"I know, and I'm honestly okay, Zayn. I am ahead in all of my classes." I lie expertly.

"Okay, fine, but don't let me catching you doing something like this again." He says in a mocking voice.

"Yes dad." I tease and Zayn sends me one last playful glare before disappearing.

I smile and shake my head. Zayn was 22 when he died and he refuse to cross over. I met him when I was in a Starbucks getting coffee. He was busy stalking his ex girlfriend, Riley. He really loved her, but she moved on. And in her moving on, he blatantly refused to cross over. He's been here ever since I met him last year.

He keeps me company at times or sometimes, like now, he just shows up randomly. Zayn is always a breath of fresh air, but I know it's wrong. He needs to cross over, but I know I'll miss him terribly if he goes. So that's probably why I'm not doing everything I can to make him go.

He's like that annoying overprotective brother and the day he finally does go, I will definitely miss him.


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