CHAPTER 3: "Thank you, Claire. I hope to see you again."

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When I arrived in the town of Mountain View, I entered the Bennett's home address into my GPS. When I get in front of their house, I gape at it. It's a huge white two storey house -no mansion- I feel out of place as I park my old Mustang in front of it on the curb. I walk up the steps and to the front door. 

"Allison, you better show up." I mutter and then take a brass knocker and knock a few times. 

I hear shuffling behind the door and then a door unlocking. The door opens and a middle aged woman stands there. I assume it's Allison's mother, since she has the same golden blonde hair and green eyes. 

She looks at me in confusion and I clear my throat. 

"Hello, Mrs Bennett, my name is Claire Holmes and I have something to say to you and your family. Especially your son, Adam." I say, not saying what my actual intentions are, since she'll probably throw the door shut in my face. 

"Regarding what exactly?" She asks sceptically. I can't exactly blame her.

"It would be better to discuss it with your entire family." I say and she reluctantly let's me inside. She tells me to wait in the front room and I nod, too scared to sit on the fancy leather couches.

Allison still hasn't made an appearance. Even though I know what to say to Adam, it is much better to talk to the family when she's present. Sometimes they can feel her presence, therefore it'll be easier to convey her message. 

Mrs Bennett emerges with two men walking with her. One is unmistakably Adam and the other Mr Bennett.

Mr Bennett has the same golden blonde hair as Allison and Mrs Bennett. He just have clear blue eyes instead of green. Adam, however has dark brown hair and clear blue eyes, contrasting the dark hair. 

Adam is handsome to say the least.

"So, regarding what are you here?" Mr Bennett asks the question Mrs Bennett asked me. 

Mr Bennett gestures for me to sit. They sit across me, while Mr and Mrs Bennett has a interested,yet annoyed look, Adam's face is entirely emotionless.

"What I am about to say, won't be easy to hear, but all I ask is that you hear me out and keep an open mind." I say choosing my words carefully.

"It's about your daughter, Allison.'" At the mention of her name, they tense up, but Adam's features harden. 

And at the mention of her name, Allison appears and sits next to her brother. He tenses and looks to his left, but shrugs it off. Allison looks at him hopefully, but when she realizes that he can't see her, her shoulders slack.

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