CHAPTER 21:"I really like you"

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After my elaborate crying session, Adam called a tow truck for my car and insisted that we stay at a hotel in Willerton before heading to Granny Rose which will be tomorrow.

I called my parents and told them about my car drama, leaving out the part of the mysterious thing in the road. They wanted to pick me up, but I explained that I got a tow service and that Adam just so happened to be near and helped me. Even after everything, Mom was fine when I told her that we planned to stay the night before coming back. She probably didn't want me on the road.

So now I'm sitting on the single bed, waiting for Adam to return with food so that I can tell him about the latest developments. We decided to stay in the same room, just for safety measures, but we at least got a room with two single beds. The conversation with the desk clerk was a awkward one though

After my massive breakdown, Adam merely handed me his handkerchief and gave me a bottle of water and helped me into his car while he dealt with the tow service. He didn't once ask any questions, he was only concerned about my wellbeing, not like Brad who wanted to know everything.

My eyes widen and I scold my brain for drawing that conclusion. Brad and Adam are two different people. Period.

Luckily I'm pulled from my intruding thoughts by Adam coming in with two takeout bags in his arms, as well as an unmarked white plastic bag.

"I got us burgers from Burger King." He says and hands me the takeout bags. "And I got us some sweatpants and random tshirts to sleep in since I'm pretty sure that your skinny jeans won't be comfortable to sleep in." He says and pulls put two matching dark gray sweatpants and two blue shirts with the words 'Palm Springs' on.

"What's Palm Springs?" I asked amused eyeing the shirts.

"The name of the hotel. I got it downstairs for free and the sweatpants I bought." He chuckles and I smile softly

"Thanks for the clothes and everything else, Adam." I say and he grins

"No problem. How are you feeling?" He asks and takes the place next to me.

"Okay I guess, but before I tell you anything, I need food." I joke and he laughs as we dive into the takeout bags. After a few minutes of us eating and exchanging normal conversation and laughing at silly stuff, I feel semi normal. Like I am not burdened with all this weird supernatural stuff.

Adam and I clear up our wrappers and papers and agree on showering before talking about everything. After he and I both showered and changed into our newly bought matching clothes, he is once again seated on my bed.

"So you ready?" He asks gently and I nod and retell everything that Catherine told me and try to keep my emotions in check. He listens intently and somewhere in the middle of the conversation, he takes my hand and holds it to comfort me.

As I finish, we sit in silence for a moment.

"So what are we going to do now?" He asks, but I take a deep breath as to prepare myself for the hard blow I'm about to deliver.

"No, there isn't a we anymore Adam." I say firmly and he frowns

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"After talking with Catherine, I've learned once again that this is very dangerous. This isn't just us and an ouija board in your basement. This is far more dangerous and you could get hurt. Please, after tomorrow, we must keep our interactions limited." I say and he shakes his head.

"No, I don't care, Claire. Yes, it is dangerous, but I am choosing to help you. I'm not letting you do this on your own. You will not push me away!" He states and I sigh

"Adam, Shelby knows about you! She knows that you're helping me. I can't let anything happen to you!" I exclaim and get up from the bed, needing some space between us.

"This is my choice Claire. You need someone to protect you and that's me." He says and I shake my head.

"You can't protect me against this! But I can protect you by not involving you with this mess. Please, Adam, try to understand." I plead, but he gets up too and stands in front of me.

"No, you understand. I just watched my sister die a few weeks ago and I am not going to let anything happen to anyone else I care about. After we collided with that truck, I blacked out when I should've fought to stay awake. I should have been awake to save my little sister and carry her away from that wreckage. If I did just that, then she would've been alive today. So I am not doing the same this time. I'm not going to fail you like I failed my sister." He says with his voice thick with emotion.

"That's different, Adam." I mutter.

"How is it different? I would be leaving you. How do you think would I feel if I walked away and then something happens to you? I could never forgive myself." He says softly and I sigh and put my hand on his forearm.

"You would be fine without me, Adam." I say softly knowing not to leave him with a fake promise that I'll be okay, not knowing if that's the truth.

"I wouldn't Claire Rose. In these three weeks of knowing you, I can't imagine you not being in my life." He says and my eyes widen and my heart rate picks up.

"I really like you , more than a friend should and I don't want anything to happen to you. I planned on telling you after all of this was over and then taking you on a real date where you don't have to worry about anything. But now is as good of a time to tell you this, I guess." He says and rubs the back of his neck as he stares at me waiting for an answer.

My mouth is parted in shock as I stare at him. These past few weeks, I definitely knew that I had a crush on him, but I suppressed it since I knew that my life is complicated enough. But now that he voices my exact feelings, is a whole different scenario.

"Adam, I like you too, but this isn't the right time-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"Shit, yes I know, that's why I opted to say something afterwards, but I need you to know why I'm adamant on protecting you." He explains and walks closer and takes my hands in his. My heart tugs at my affection for this boy.

"Adam, it's too dangerous." I say feebly and he takes my feeble answer and exploits it.

"I don't know what else to say to convince you, so..." He says and closes the distance between us and kisses me.

My eyelids flutter shut as I feel the soft pressure of his lips on mine. He kisses me slowly as if he is convincing me without using words. The slow speed of his lips invites me to join and that's when I move mine against his at the same pace.

The kiss isn't sensual. It merely tells a story of a man who wants to protect a girl. In the kiss, I feel the affection, care and protectiveness he has for me. His arms encases my waist and he slowly pulls me towards him. One of his hands move to my cheek as he caresses the skin there.

My hands are resting on his chest, as I feel his erratic heartbeat there, telling me the story of his affection, nerves as well as his emotions. Mine is probably mirroring his for the exact same reasons.

He pulls away slowly, way too quick for my liking, but rests his forehead on mine, bending a bit to be level with me.

"That is how much I feel for you. Please, don't shut me out." He says softly and I sigh and place my hands behind his neck, softly tangling it with his dark hair.

"Okay, I won't." I whisper, feeling defeated and unable to say no after that kiss.

"Promise me, Claire Rose?" He whispers and I hear the raw emotion in his voice.

"I promise." I whisper back and kiss him again, trying to fight my thoughts away.

The thoughts which are telling me that I am putting a guy I'm falling for in grave danger.

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