CHAPTER 13: "Wait, you can see me?"

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Adam POV

I turn in my sleep and check the time.


I sigh and sit up. Everything today just shook me. How is Allison involved? I run my hand through my hair and go into my ensuite bathroom.

I wash my face and stare at my reflection. My eyes are still a bit red and I just look overall tired.

Poor Claire. How can she deal with everything like that on a daily basis? And after everything she probably thinks that I don't want to help her. Which is wrong, since I promised to help her and I will.

She's so beautiful with a perfect personality and she's so caring. Doing what she does takes guts and she does it with a smile. I should talk to her in the morning and tell her I'm still 100% with her. And maybe then I'll find out why Allison was warning us.

And maybe, just maybe, I'll get to talk to Ally again.

I shake my head and dry my face with a towel when the lights start to flicker. I look around warily and suddenly the room chills a bit. I don't feel the same scary presence here, only a faint familiar one.


"Ally?" I whisper and look around, but no reaction.

Then suddenly the hot water tap opens. The bathroom mirror fogs up and then something's being drawn on it.

My eyes widen as I read the message.

Basement. Claire needs help. -Z.

"Z?" I wonder aloud.


Shit. Claire.

I run out of the bathroom and down the stairs, all the while feeling Zayn's presence next to me. As I reach the door to the basement, it's jammed.

"Fuck, Zayn can't you open it with your ghostly abilities." I hiss and ram the door with my shoulder. It doesn't budge. I take a step back and groan in frustration as it doesn't open.

Then suddenly the door blows open.

"Thanks Zayn." I mutter and speed down the stairs.

The sight in front of me shocks me to my core...

Claire's lying on the floor, passed out.

"Shit, Claire. Claire wake up!" I yell and shake her. She stays silent with only her breathing comforting me that she's still alive. Well due to her still body and obvious passed out state it is possible to presume death.

"Zayn! What the hell is wrong with her?" I ask loudly, still feeling his presence around.

"I wish if I knew."

I get a big fright as I hear a voice. I turn around and see who I presume is Zayn, standing there.

He's much different than I thought he'd be. He has caramel coloured hair and brown eyes and a built form. He's very different from what I expected.

"H-How can I see you?" I stutter with wide eyes looking at him. He frowns and narrows his eyes.

"Wait, you can see me?" He asks looking just as confused as I am.

"Well nevermind, we'll figure that out later. What's wrong with Claire?" I exclaim and he frowns and crouches next to me while we're in front of her.

"I don't know. Normally, this will sound weird, but normally I can feel her presence, wherever I am. I don't know how or why, but for some reason I couldn't feel her anymore. So I came here immediately." He says looking terrified and sad, when that shifts to anger.

"You were supposed to be with her! How could you leave her to take this on alone?" He yells in a protective manner and I flinch.

"I didn't know. We hit a snag earlier on and I thought we'll just continue tomorrow. I didn't know that she did it again or was about to leave, judging by her bags infront!" I exclaim glaring at him.

After a few moments of us just glaring at each other, I shake my head and point at her.

"Whatever happened, doesn't matter now. We have to find a way to wake her up." I say and he nods and turn to Claire.

She's still laying there still and somewhat peacefully.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" I ask.

"I don't know, but judging by the fact that she is not moving, indicates that she's in a trance of some sorts." Zayn says scratching the back of his head.

"So basically, we can't do anything?" I ask helpless

"No." He sighs as we sit next to the girl I'm slowly starting to fall for.


"Zayn, it's now 3 am. It's almost 2 hours now." I say worried. For the past hour we've been trying to figure out a way to wake her or just trying to figure out why I can see Zayn.

"I know, and I still can't feel her presence. It's like she's.... Dead." He whispers he last word. I frown and look at her chest slowly moving as she's breathing.

The sight comforts me against Zayn's words, but I still have an aching feeling gnawing in my chest.

"Wait. You said that you feel connected to Claire, right?" I ask him.

"Yeah as weird as that sounds... Why? What are you getting at?" He questions frowning.

"Maybe since Claire is in this dead like state, that means that we can see each other." I say and he immediately regards me with disbelief.

"So you're saying that Claire is the thing that links our plains together? That's a little far fetched." He says incredulously.

"Just think about it. There's no possible way for me to see you. This is the only explanation. Maybe that's even what Catherine wanted to tell her?" I add and he narrows his eyes.

"Even if this what you're saying is true, why wouldn't Claire know about this?" He asks.

"Well, remember, her grandmother always wanted to protect her from this, so maybe in not telling her, it kept her safe." I suggest and he sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Makes kind of sense. Granny Rose always tells Claire not to get a too firm hold in the spirit world. Maybe if she knew about this, that'll mean that she would try to get more steadfast in my world. Which could only mean bad shit since she's alive and I am well dead." He explains, putting more truth in my theory.

"So how do we test it?" He asks after pondering for a moment.

"Easy. When Claire wakes up, then I thankfully won't be able to see you." I say simply and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm not that bad." He mutters and I grin and punch his shoulder, but instead it goes through him.

"Well, there goes a part of your theory." He says eyeing the spot on his shoulder I just punched through.

"I didn't say its a proven theory." I mutter and wave him off.

Just as he opens his mouth for a comeback, Claire stirs.

I immediately crouch next to her as well as Zayn. Just as her eyelids flutter open, Zayn disappears. Or well he's still there, I just can't see him. Therefore proving my theory.

"Adam?" She mumbles, still blinking her eyes.

"Hey, Claire, you okay?" I ask helping her up. She looks around disoriented and her eyes latch on the spot next to me where Zayn was a second ago.

"To answer the both of you, I'm fine." She says with a soft smile.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Catherine, she made me fall into that deep sleep to tell me the truth..." She trails off and her eyes tear up.

My resolve softens and I put my arms around her as she cries into my shirt.

"Catherine, i-is my s-sister." She stutters and my eyes widen and I basically feel Zayn radiating in shock.


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