CHAPTER 10:"Your mixture isn't supposed to explode?"

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"A chemical cell is a process which converts chemical energy to electrical  energy by-" Mr Wong explains, but my head is far away from the classroom.

I stare outside to the football field I pondered over a mere three weeks ago. And now I'm geographically in the same location, but mentally miles away. I let my head fall on my arms as I let my mind wander off.

The past few nights I didn't hear from Catherine again. She just vanished into thin air. I am so tired since I struggle to get proper sleep. My room freaks me out in night time. I can't fall asleep in there in fear of Catherine coming or the "She" Catherine referred to. The living room also isn't an option since aunt Shelby's guest room is next to mine, so I don't want to wake her. And besides, Mom would get suspicious if I sleep in the living room every night.

And I don't know what safe place Catherine talked about. What safe place? A safe place away from my house? Away from this physical realm? I have absolutely no clue. All this questions that's unanswered, adds to the restlessness. The dark circles under my eyes become more prominent and I can't hide everything under concealer.

Lunch is also much harder, since everyone worries about me. Lilah and Oliver are basically in the dark, Becca and Brad knows it something to do with my ghost stuff, but doesn't know exactly what. And then there's Adam. He is literally an angel, ironically, he helps me through this and he's right along with me trying to figure out this riddle.

This is way too much stress for a senior in highschool.

My biggest concern is supposed to be who's taking me to prom and not what demons are lurking under my bed.

Maybe if I just concentrate on sleeping, I can actually dose off here. I feel tired and Mr Wong won't even notice me sleeping.

Just as I am about to fall into slumber, I jolt awake.

"Miss Claire Holmes! You should know better than to sleep in my class. I am explaining the practical that you're going to do in exactly 5 minutes in the next period. And what do you do? Lay on your arms and sleep! Go to the restroom and freshen up, you need to be fresh for the practical." Mr Wong says and I feel my eyes glassing over. Not from him lecturing me, more in the form of the fact that this ghost business is affecting my school schedule work.

"Yes Mr Wong. I'm sorry." I mumble and grab the hall pass and go out of the classroom, ignoring Becca, Brad's and Adams concerned stares.

When I reach the bathroom I refrain from cringing at my appearance. There's black/purple bags under my eyes, my face looks utterly pale and I just look downright sick. My hair is also messily stapled in a bun.

"What the actual fuck."I mutter, staring at my hobo like appearance. Someone enters the bathroom, but I lack energy to see who it is.

"Oh my gosh, Claire, you look like hell!" Lilah exclaim in a worried tone. She engulfs me in a hug and I accept, feeling my tears falling. She senses it too and hugs me tighter.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't cry Claire. Everything will be okay." Lilah soothes me and rubs my back. After a minute she pulls back and dries my last tears.

"Sit. I have my emergency make up kit in my bag. Let me fix you." She says with a grin and I can't help but to laugh at her optimism.

Lilah expertly wipes away my tears with a wet wipe and apply some liquid eyeliner, concealer, blush and some mascara. Not too much, just to mask the tired state of my face. She french braids my hair down my back. As I look in the mirror, I feel like a new person.

I engulf Lilah in a hug, just as the bell ring.

"Thanks, Lilly, you have no idea how much I appreciate and love you." I say softly and she laughs.

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