Chapter 14

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"All your hair is matted my cub" Krolia said while kissing Keith forehead the kit only grumbled in response, so she turned Keith around still in her lap
She pulled out her fangs and started to untangle his hair while cleaning his neck and hair a bit
(You know when lions lick their cubs yea like that)
Everyone chuckled from the kits face after watching the kit get his first lick from his mama
After she finished, the kit was to far into a sleep that he didn't wake from the door opening
"Were uncovered something bad"

At the castle
Third POV

"We're uncovered something bad.." Kolivan and the others missing arrived behind him
"What is it?" One of the paladins called out their words of curiosity
"From one of my spy's on zarkons fleet we have gotten words that Zarkon has made a new "toy" and is planning on using it to destroy realities.." Kolivan speeches, at this everyone's eyes widen..
"What are we gonna do about Keith tho" Pigde said while pulling her glasses up like a nerd..
"He is far too young to be flying, as well as walking but since his human genes have mixed with the galra in him the ageing worked differently, he still is 20 but is also nearly 3 in galra, if he is able to fly the black lion back to earth we will allow him to fly and fight in this war, on one condition if he is close to death or even badly hurt he will not be allowed with you's again." Ulaz pronounced
"That's not fair! His our family too" lance yelled
"Guys calm down let Krolia decide" Shiro said
"Since he is my cub I will allow him to be with you but like Ulaz said I do not want my baby to get hurt" Krolia said
Everyone understood what she meant, as she just got him back she doesn't won't to or him to leave her again..

Time skip :)
*all they did was decide on what they were going to do to defeat the new "toy" Zarkon made*
-lance got a chance to hold Keith-

"We are approaching earth in 20 minutes" (can someone plz write down in the comments what the hours,minutes were in alteans)  allura said over the incomes
"I'll finally get to see my family..." lance whimpered as glassy tears clouded the ocean eyes, as lance beamed over how much he loved his family the kit began to get uncomfortable and started to move around waking him self up in the process.
"Mmmhh~" the kit yarned and stretched his limps fully awaken by the moment, as everyone's attention was stolen to Keith no one said a word...
"Paladins ready your lions!" Allura yelled stress filled the once soothing voice
To be continued
Hey sorry for my absence!
I'm back with another chapter

I thought of this one-shot and though I should use it in the story! Please let me know about ur thoughts on this!
( so as a bonding moment the MFE pilots and paladins *Shiro is not included after all his captain of atlas* were to write a page about someone or something they missed kinda like a letter, they were jumbled up and each picked a random one,  no name or hints were on them as the picker had to read out the one they got and guess who it was... lance got Keith's and Keith got lances here a little part of it)

".  Dear ********
I miss running in the golden sand that shined underneath the blistering sun, galloping with the lions as their manes collided with the wind, exploring the ancient missing caves that hide under the cannons of the fiery desert, chasing the sharp hazel eagles that guarded the sky above, collecting bugs and critters that seek shelter from the burning sun only to release them back to their homes, I missed how my long white oversized t-shirt covered half my thighs when I stood and my short red shorts were hidden by it, how my raven hair was left untamed, how my feet were covered in white rolls of sheets from running around so much, I missed the cool nights were we stayed close under the shining rays of the moon that flooded the room we were in, I missed the times we spent on your expanding garden how each day a smile appeared on our faces singing the old forgotten songs to the growing plants you revived, the chuckle you make when I did something weird I missed the moments we had.
You left too soon, the moments we had together soon turned into memories
That shortly we're forgotten..
I was lonely when you left, and how I saw the painful way you left me, I saw the aggressive flames flicker around while you tried to rescue the lonely girl trapped by the fire inside, you knew you might not make it back to me with the sorrow sore look the plastered and glossed your eyes when you took your last look at me as you ran back in while I was restrained by one of your old mates as I struggled to break the chains that were his arms that clasped around me with my pleads and screams for you to come back, they weren't heard as if I was mute with my prayers ignored, I watched with the view of a front row seat I saw the weak burning building collapse on top of you.  13 years ago
13.... lonely years without you, without your brave personality, your big white smile, the scar the covered the cover of your right eyebrow, the old leather jacket you wore, the now dust clothes, and without your presents that made me feel safe....
If only you listened to me that night 13 years ago from today you would be here watching me from across the room instead your now watching me above as I save the universe
I miss you dad
If my wish came true I would be the happiest boy alive, please come back....
I love you goodbye dad
Hopefully next time I see you I could finally feel the warm hugs you give
I miss you my sunshine,
From ***** ******. "

Bai see you next time!
Word count: 1061
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