Chapter 11

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At the castle

"His transforming into his galra form too quickly it's going to damage him" Kolivan said in a rush running back to his ship on the loading deck
Soon everyone was carried around Keith watching the kit scream and cough blood
Kolivan soon rushed threw the doors telling everyone to move away
"What are you going to do with that?!" Lance yelled staring at the needle in the leaders hand
"If you want the kit to survive this transition I say you shut up and let us do our thing" Kolivan said placing the needle to Keith's neck....
Third person POV
"He'll be knocked out for a few hours so if he doesn't wake up you'll know, Antok and Thace with stay will u guys me and the others have important business at the base to attend to" Kolivan said getting more serious at the end
"See you later" as Kolivan left with the others
Antok took Keith into his hands and placed him on the couch, the paladins + alteans decided to stay with their family and looked over him while he rest so pigde and lance went out to get pillows and blankets to builds a fort while hunk and coran got some food and Allura and Shiro stayed with Thace and Antok in the lounge to make sure he was ok

30 minutes later

Everyone was soon cuddled around in a nest with comfy cloths,
Antok had tracksuit pants and a jumper on
Thace had a grey t-shit on with black leggings
Shiro had a lose black t/shit with tracksuit pants
Lance had his normal blue shirt with comfy pj pants
Pigde had her normal sweaty and comfy pj shorts
Coran had his normal clothes on (does coran even have pj's???)
Allura had her pjs on

"Is keith going to stay in his uniform or is someone goin' Change him?" Lance asked pointing softy to Keith (if that's possible)
"I'll go and grab some clothes for him" Shiro replied back leaving the room
"But the question is who?" Pigde asked pushing her glasses up
"Antok can" Thace said
" wouldn't that be weird?" Hunk said as everyone's face tinted red but corans and the galra
"Actually Antok has a instinct to protect him they both are the same species of galra" Thace said not look up from a random mission file of Keith's
"What do you mean aren't their only one species of galra?" Lance said almost mumbling
"Well no their are types ones with tails and some don't for demonstrating Antok is a type of galra with a tail and big fluffy ears Keith is the same so that means they can connect and talk with out talking other galra don't have tails like me but there too many name out" Thace said taking in a deep breath
Not long after Shiro entered
"So who's changing him?" Shiro asked
"Antok." Thace said
"Here" Shiro placed the clothes on Antok hands
Antok only nodded in response, Keith was in the middle of the nest while everyone was on the outside
Antok moves over while everyone's gaze followed his every move.
A little hissing sound was heard and his chest plate was being removed Antok soon followed with his belt and arms and leg armour (Keith's in his BOM uniform btw) soon he was left in his greyish blackish under suit that hugged every curve of his small frame Antok lifted Keith's upper body off the ground to pull a Zipper down, once the zipper reached down to the end Antok placed Keith back down softly and grabbed to turtle neck and pulled it of Keith porcelain skin once the suit reached Keith lower body near his thighs everyone blushed as Antok removed the rest everyone sighed once the saw Keith had his black leggings underneath Antok then placed a big lose short sleeve t-shit on him

3 hours later

Keith began to stir and roll over...
"Tok?" Keith said with his dry throat rubbing his eyes.. to remove the blurry ness surrounding his eyes
Everyone turned their heads to see...
Everyone gasped..


Sorry haven't been updating but I'm hoping you'll take my apology by me giving u a nice long chapter better than the small other chapters I hoped u enjoyed here's to the people asking for a update ur welcomed and yeaaa
To be continued...
U guys probably already know what the paladins + alteans gasped at so yea not much of a cliffhanger
Word count : 757 words

Kit Keith [discontinued/ re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now