Chapter 6

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at BOM base

Third POV

" we will not do that.." Kolivan growl back
" here's a paladin if voltron without him voltron can not form." Allura replied back with anger hanging on each word
" HELLO!? is anyone going to see the fact that keithhhh is siting on someone's lap?!!" Lance yelled in frustration
Everyone looked at him with faces of 'really?' Ulaz growled low but loud enough for them to hear while hugging the kit close to him with one hand on Keith's head and the other with a blade pointing at them with his arm around Keith back with that the kit awoke in distress with a whine forcing out of his mouth Ulaz lowered the blade and bushed his claw through Keith's liquorice black hair everyone watched as Keith's bare back looked back at them in response....
"K-keith?" Shiro worries strolled through the name
"M-mmhh" Keith hummed in response instead
Allura rushed over to Keith startling everyone
Thace and Antok rushed over to the kit and growled
" I'm not going to fight you just hand him over...." her hashed voice pinned them in the hearts
With her thinking they were going to give up their kit!? Without them the kit could die
" no" Kolivan said bringing their attention

(Again I'm sorry really short chapter my digital tech teacher threw many task in my face due tomorrow I'm really sorry I'll have another chapter up soon
And thank you so much to the people who understand my situation rn)

Word count: 255

Kit Keith [discontinued/ re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now