Chapter 7

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With the blades

Shiro's POV

"No" kolivan's voice sounded rough as he spoke with daggers in his eyes
Antok and Thace eyes were the same, pigde stepped up and asked
"Why not make a deal we get to see Keith on the castle for a week and you can be there or we get him for a week and then you get him for a week so everybody can see him?" Pigde pushes her glasses up as she finished her Speech
"I think that's a fair deal! We also get to see mullet too his part of the family!!" Lance stormed up to pigde yelling Kolivan sighed
"Yes or no.." Kolivan asked his pack with crossing his arms regirs Antok and Ulaz all nodded after each other
"Fine, deal...." Kolivan said shaking pigdes hand

Third POV

At the castle
"Keith" the voice was faded but clear at the same time to Keith's ears, the kit started to open his eyes looking away from the big shoulder he's head was leaning on to find the paladins behind on the other couch opposite him Keith rubbed his eyes and yawned stretching his arms out
"G-guys?" Keith said
"He buddy, how you feeling?" Shiro said walking over to him
"Find I guess.." Keith responded a small chuckle was heard Keith looked up to see he was sitting in thaces lap as Shiro sat next to thace Keith poked thace for attention but got ignored he tried for 10 times then gave up, thace was reading a mission report from the blades earlier on Keith mewed loudly causing attention from everyone, Thace chuckled
"Sorry kit doing work, need anything?" Thace said with a smile at the kit only with a grumble in response
"Here can I hold him?" Shiro said putting his arms out thace thought but with a response of
"Let him thace, you'll get him back later..." Ulaz responded away from his conversation with coran
" uhhhhhh fine I better.." Thace mumbled back
Thace slipped his big hands under Keith armpits and lifted him on shiros lap and continued his work
Keith nuzzled his head against shiros neck and started purring lance looked around for the sound and saw Keith on shiros lap nuzzling his face in the crook of shiros neck purring!? Lances jaw dropped at sight then......

(Again I'm sorry I'm trying to get more words in but test are coming up so I'm sorry for the short chapter
- your author)
Word count: 414

Kit Keith [discontinued/ re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now