Chapter 4

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Kolivan's POV

With the blades

As the kit entered the room with Ulaz and Thace I saw the faces of the paladins they were field with shocked as they saw their hot-head enter the room being carried, I walked over to him brushing my claw against he's soft hair, it may look human but it had the texture of a kits which made me smile but I was interrupted as Allura yelled again startling the kit making him jump I walked over to the screen seeing the paladins and coran trying to calm down the princess....
"And why should we hand him back over.." I said rudely catching their attentions, the blue paladin begin to speak but nothing came out of his mouth which was odd.....
" not trying to be rude Kolivan but Keith belongs here with his family and yes his mother may be with the blades doesn't mean he can't have a family with Voltron.." Shiro said with his space-dad attitude
" no, he is too young to be let out of the nest anyways. If you want information meet us here.." I said shortly ending it after that speech....

———————————— time skip————————

Soon antok arrived back from his mission looking over he saw Keith laying chest to chest with Kolivan, both galra were sound asleep,
"Ah Antok welcome back how was the mission" Ulaz spoke not to loud...
" well yes I got extra data then needed but it'll be useful later, my I ask why Keith is like that with Kolivan I thought he was stubborn??" Antok asked with confusion on the last statement...
" well see Keith is a...." Ulaz said with his nervous system growing he didn't know if Antok would take it the right way
" his a kit.." Thace said Antok face grew with happiness as he heard thaces statement

With the paladins

Lance's POV

Everyone could see the fear and anger in allura eyes, "ALLURA!" pigde screamed at her trying to grad her attention which worked allura turned her head to see everyone worried for her and Keith...
"Allura if would make you happier we can go visit them and discuss about this properly" Shiro said soothing her
"Alright..." Allura agreed I was sick worried why keith was being hold back their like HE LIVES WITH US!! Uhhhhhhhh I groaned only to be meet with glares of 'really lance' faces back at me

(Hello so I'm currently losing some ideas for this story so if you have any I will gladly take some( I did this at 8am so Soz if it's messed up))
Word count: 433

Kit Keith [discontinued/ re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now