Chapter 3

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With Voltron

Third person POV

as Shiro entered the control room he could feel all eyes on him making him stressed by the look coming at him...
"Shiro is there something you need to tell us?" Allura said confused by what lance told them,
" g-guys I-it's k-k-keith" Shiro said as his stuttering got worse... all the eyes grew wider with worry
" what happened! Is he ok? Don't tell me he got taking by Galra!?" Lance screamed making Shiro more uncomfortable...
" n-no la-lance h-he" Shiro said uncomfortable every walked over hugging Shiro making him settle down a bit making his stuttering calm
" now Shiro what happened to Keith." Allura said getting angrier by the second
" O-on a mission it went wrong and k-keith was attack by zarkons beast and witch, he was badly injured and was rushed to med bay immediately" Shiro confessed every one stood there completely shocked trying to process what Shiro just said, while Allura immediately ran to the control board and called us the BOM there was silence between the ringing sound it was making......

With the BOM

Kolivans POV

I heard the main control room ring I left the kit with Ulaz and ran to the control room... it was voltron I click accepted and I could see everyone but Allura frozen with shock...
"Hello princess, is there something you need at this hour?" I said briefly trying not to cause any disturbance to the kit sleeping down the hall
"Yes indeed" she said with hatred with every word
"May I ask what is it?" I replied only giving her the same turn of voice she gave back... silent was only the word I could process that was happening
" give Keith back!." She yelled startling everyone
I could hear the kit yellping for his pack
"Look what you have done." I said only focusing on the small kit being cradling by Ulaz as thace and Ulaz enter the room

*sorry it's short working on part 4 now*
Word count : 343

Kit Keith [discontinued/ re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now