Chapter 1

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Keith POV

Kolivan had sent me on a mission to the central Galra ship, I have been sent to collect some data from one of the spy's I was informed to meet the blade at the docks between 12-2, they reported special data to be collected by hand which was hard for me since Galra guards were in and out multiple times, I meet up with the unknown blade and collected it, on my way out I was spotted by a robot on duty I was badly injured as I began to fight one of the witches servants that came in looking for the intruder, I had gotten out in time just before he was able to murder me I flew up a couple meters away,
Kolivan had sent a ship out to collect me and rushed me into the med bay. Kolivan walked in angry and distracted by what he found....

Moments before

Kolivan POV

While Keith was on his mission I had been sent his medical record I asked voltron for,
Name: Keith Kogane
Parents: mother and father, unknown names
Planet: Earth
Breed: half Galra, half human
Age: 18 born 23 October
As he read the bottom of the page a blade came rushing in informing Kolivan what happened
" sir Keith has returned but is badly injured and has been rushed to the med bay" a blade immediately said with worry.
"Alright thank you, you may leave" kolivan said as he rushed out the room and into the med bay
As the doors slid open Kolivan could see Keith laying down with bruises and cuts from the witch's servant, Kolivan waited as they patched Keith up he's screams flew across the med bay only to be echoing louder, Kolivan asked keith. "What is your age Keith", keith looked up in confusion as he understand but couldn't know why he was being asked a question about his age all of a sudden
" 18.." as Keith replies silence filled the room as Kolivan picked keith up and ran towards a private room meanwhile keith let out a quite whimper in fear that only made kolivan run faster.

Nobody's POV

Kolivan and Keith entered the room, he sat on the nest while holding keith in his lap with he's claw running though Keith's hair, while one of the three blades sleeps wakes to find kolivan cradling Keith in his lap " why is he here!?" Thaces growls at both of them " because HE'S JUST A KIT!" Kolivan growled louder only making the young kit Yelp and whimper in fear Kolivan brushed his claw threw Keith's hair again to calm the small lad down, hearing Keith's purrs threw he's small whimpers, thace understood what Kolivan was trying to say.
The other two woke up to Kolivan holding keith in his lap whimpering fear and purrs Ulaz and Regirs walked over the nest and two them they immediately accepted the new member, soon keith fell asleep on Kolivan's shoulder the all saw the cuteness Keith gave and watched him carefully as his wounds got weaker....

*sorry it's short but I'm working on part two now* word count 525

Kit Keith [discontinued/ re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now