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Your POV

~Time skip to Christmas eve~

Sans and Papyrus invited the gang over to their place like they do every year. You know because Snowdin is an appropriate place to celebrate Christmas. For obvious reasons. Not only because of the giant Christmas tree in the center of town but also because of the snowy atmosphere. And the good news is that Toriel said that she'll show up too. Asgore on the other hand said he has other stuff to do. Stuff involving Christmas presents. Papyrus and Undyne were in charge of decorations while you accompanied Sans to the mall. It looked like they were on to something. "What should I buy Papyrus for Christmas?" "I don't know. What do you usually buy him?" "I'd get him a cookbook or an ugly sweater whereas Asgo... I mean 'Santa' would get him action figures." You giggled. "You're his brother, you know what to get him." "I don't know maybe I should ask someone's opinion for once... By the way, what do you want?" "There is no point in buying a gift if they know what you are getting them silly! Plus, I have everything I need already, a group of very good friends." "That's so sweet of you." Sans ruffled your hair.

"That gave me an idea, stay here." "okay 'dad'." You rolled your eyes. "Call me daddy." "Wait what." Your face turned red. "Uh, n-nothing." After Sans left, you found a place to sit at a nearby bench. You turned on your phone and saw Papyrus update his status. It was a selfie of him and Undyne. They sure looked like they were having fun. After a while, Sans came back with a few bags. "Well, that was fast." "I'm too lazy to walk, lets' take a shortcut." He held your hand and the both of you ended up in front of Sans's house within seconds. You went in and saw Undyne being unusually excited then her facial expression changed. Sans headed to his room to place the items while you sat down on the sofa. Papyrus just came out of the kitchen and gut pulled into a conversation with Undyne. They whispered but you can still hear their conversation. "I thought I told you to put one at the entrance door." "SORRY I FORGOT." Their vision then darted towards you but you pretend to be on your phone and didn't hear anything. Okay (y/n), avoid standing underneath a mistletoe with Sans. Actually don't stand underneath a mistletoe at all, you're a bad kisser.

"By the way, where's Alphys and Mettaton ?" "They went Christmas shopping." "Weird. We didn't see them." "I swear to god, (y/n). You don't wanna bummed into Mettaton while shopping. He's gonna dragged you to all the stores and spoil you with stuff you don't need." Sans said while going down the stairs. "Yeah, that's why I use the excuse of helping out Papyrus with the deco." "Oh, that's why you are not with Alphys." "I can guarantee that he's gonna barge in with Christmas gifts for all of us." "You're absolutely right, darling. Guess you bought you guys Christmas sweaters." "Oh no" I bought 8, but one of them is for Frisk. I and Alphys are already wearing ours." "I've got dips on the green one. Gotta' be same as my adorable girlfriend." "A-aw, t-thanks Undyne." "Here sweetheart this one's for you." "THANKS, METTA." "I thought me and Pap's are wearing matching sweaters?" "Ooh, sorry. I already bought it for Papyrus's size. You can have this though. It suits you." Basically, all sweaters are in the same design but different colors. So Alphys and Undyne wore orange whereas Mettaton and Papyrus wore yellow. Mettaton bought a red sweater for Frisk (obviously) and a blue one for Toriel. You and Sans got purple sweaters.

"Looks like it's too big for (y/n)." "Never mind, I like oversized clothes." Sans patted your head. "Darling can I do your hair, I've just got an idea." "Sure, knock yourself out." Mettaton picked up his comb and started doing your hair. To be honest, you have no idea where he gets his equipment. It just pops out from nowhere. "What do you think?" he handed you a mirror. He braided your hair and you think it looked cute. "Omg, this is sick! Thanks, Metta." "Your welcome." Then, there was a knock on the door. You assumed that Toriel and Frisk were here. "His children. I made butterscotch cinnamon pie." "I don't know what is that but it sounds delicious." "It's Toriel's signature dessert," Sans said that while putting his hand on your head. You think it's very cute of him to do that. "Take one, my child." Everyone was already munching down on their pie while you and Sans were still spacing out. You two had a slight blush on your faces.

"So (y/n), what would you usually do on Christmas on the surface?" "Uh, nothing much..." "Aww, come on. Tell us." "Well, I would go for work because I get paid double." "Don't your college friends have a Christmas party or somethin' ?" "They did but I didn't go." "Why are working so much for?" "To pay off my debt but guess I don't have to anymore." Sans look down at you and said "Enjoy this year's Christmas with us, okay. Your boss gave you a day off." "Well because my boss is lazy." "Hey, that wasn't so sweet of you." He said while taking a big chunk out of his pie with his magic mouth. You and the others had a great laugh. Except for Papyrus. "Hey Papyrus, why do you look so desserted?" You can't hold it back, you felt like you just had to. "I HATE PUNS." Everyone else laughed and he eventually laughed along. You feel happy that you have a great group of friends to enjoy Christmas with this year.

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