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Your POV

We started playing the game. Mettaton and Undyne start having a lot of hotels and houses while Sans only had like two houses? But he somehow got away from all the taxes. Alphys was doing a great job as a banker. But you, being the "Lucky duck" in the room didn't get to buy any houses because you keep landing on the fortune cards. There were some good ones like advance 2 spaces but everywhere were covered by hotels and houses causing you to pay fees. Some of the cards told you to pay hospital fees and even worse, going to jail. Eventually, Alphys and Undyne won while you went bankrupt. Sans got his bottle of ketchup but kept it for another day. "Now for the punishment darling." "Where you guys are going to get clothes for me anyway?" " No worries darling. Thanks to the incredible Dr. Alphys, I have a wardrobe in my body so I could change anytime anywhere. Now let's see what I have for you... What about this?" Mettaton took out a black-laced nightgown.

"There's no way I am wearing that." Your face heated up. "How about this ?" He took out a slutty jumpsuit. "Mettaton, do you even have anything appropriate to wear ?" "Let me see ... This ?" It was a normal mid-length dress with nice floral designs. "Okay..." You sighed. "Then what are you doing, go change right now." He pushed you towards the washroom. You put the dress on and folded your clothes. You looked at yourself surprised. Since when was the last time I wore something nice? "What's taking so long darling? No need to be shy." "In a minute." You came out not expecting Mettaton to be in front of you. "Wow, you have a nice body dearie. You should come to one of my shows sometimes." "What really? No thank you." To be honest, you were a bit flattered. You sat down at your place. "How long do I have to wear this ?" "As long as I want you to."

"Yeah, you should wear this to the hot dog stand. You would attract more customers." "Sans, I am not going to be your 'mascot' or something." Is he serious right now? "What. I was just joking. Plus it would make the stand ten times more hotter." Did he just call me hot?  (Y/n) keep your shit together maybe he's just joking again. You glanced at Sans, looks like he already realizes what he just said. His eye sockets were empty and his cheekbones were bright purple. This makes you blush even more. "I meant uh ... great weather huh? Hehe. " Alphys shook her head and sighed. "Well, I am going to hit the sack." "But where ?" "Yeah." I didn't think of that. "Uh... right here. Good night." You laid down on the corner of the sofa, turning to the opposite side so you can hide your blush.

Your eyelids started to sink in. You can only hear faint conversations. Someone placed a blanket over you and a pillow. You turned. They patted your head slowly. You felt a warm feeling in your soul. You felt like you were loved ... You ended up in the same void again. "I thought I came here yesterday?" "Well, I'll call you when you are in a good mood." "Am I ?" "No need to lie, I can see everything although I am in a void. You have a crush on my son don't you ?" "What? No, he's like a brother to me that's all." Gaster smirks at you. "A bit? But does it make a difference if I am in a good mood ?" "Being in a good mood increases your determination. Makes it easier for you to work." "That's true. I make more progress when I am in a good mood." " So are you ready?" "I think I am." Gaster somehow opened a magical portal.

"How did you do that?" "I have a few tricks up my sleeves since I have been here for a long time." "So that's how you can see what's going on." "Yes, Remember, don't interact with anyone, but I think the grey characters are okay. Find glowing gray sparks and bring them here."  "Okay. How do I get in there ?"  "Just go in, you're determination is just enough. And make sure you come back when I open the portal." You went in the portal. You ended up on a bridge. You try looking around for the sparks. You went farther and found it in the bushes. You were waiting for Gaster to open the portal. You saw a monster that was facing the opposite side although there was nothing there. They looked moody and they were ... grey. You remembered that Gaster said that you can approach grey characters.

You walked toward them. Before you say anything, they started talking. "Have you ever thought about a world where everything is the same... Except you don't exist? Everything functions perfectly without you... Ha, ha... The thought terrifies me." Their words struck you. Reminding you of the surface, which may be functioning perfectly without you. Suddenly, you heard footsteps. You quickly hid behind the bushes. You saw Frisk. They were carrying an umbrella. "An umbrella...? But it's not raining. " It's raining somewhere else. A mysterious voice told you. Gaster opened the portal once again. " Up for another task ?" You felt a bit tired but you can still go for another task. You nodded. Gaster opened another portal. You entered a dark room. There was only a screen on the wall. It lit up as you approach it. It's written in Wing Dings. "ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN: DARK. DARKER. YET DARKER. THE DARKNESS KEEPS GROWING. THE SHADOWS CUTTING DEEPER. PHOTON READINGS ARE NEGATIVE. THIS NEXT EXPERIMENT. SEEMS. VERY. VERY. INTERESTING... WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK ?" That's Gaster alright. But who was he talking to? You found the spark and went back into the portal. "Thank you so much. See you soon." He seemed very pleased with your work. He looked a bit visible. You waved at him and everything starts fading away.

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