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Sans's POV

Since I was not in the mood for the movie, I was thinking... Recalling about earlier, there were pacifist runs after the genocide runs. And the only thing that can be wrong in the genocide is killing monsters then everything resets... Is Frisk lying to me? Maybe this isn't a pacifist run, maybe they killed someone ... But how ? I've judged them, there were no increase in Love, Execution points, or hp.  Plus, if it was a neutral run it would have reset already. And in this run the king didn't die, he's still alive, got together with Toriel again. Think Sans think. There is a connection to all of these. I'll ask them later, better not be another reset that I don't know about, it's been 2 years since the last one. "Earth to Sans. You still there." How long have I been out? "Huh, what is it, hun?" "You've been spacing out for a long time." "Yeah, I even screamed at your ear, you dork." "Where's Frisk?" "They fell asleep and (y/n) carried them to my room. I'm not going to sleep there anyway." "Papyrus?" "He's asleep too." "oh." "S-so what do we do now ?"

"I don't know what should we do ?" "I don't know darling, should we watch another movie ?" "Nah." "Then ?" An awkward silence filled the room. "Well, if you guys want to do nothing, I am okay with it." I placed my hands behind my head and laid back down on the sofa. "Wow, you're real lazy aren't ya ?" "Hey, I didn't judge when you wore thick clothes in Hotland." "Sans, that's different. You know why." "So that your arm feels like a really soft pillow for me to take a nap on?" "Sans." "Just pulling your leg sweetheart." "Could you love birds stop fighting already?" "A-actually you should continue, w-we got n-nothing to do anyway." Our faces heated up immediately. "W-we're not... You know what, U-Undyne where's the w-washroom?" She smirked. "Right there punk." She stood up and went to the washroom, shutting the door behind her. After a few seconds, they started talking. "So Sans, care to tell us what's up." "T-the ceiling ?" "Haha- not funny Sans. Spill the beans already, you know it's very obvious right." "What's obvious ?"God, why am I shuttering so much? "Sans stop playing a fool, you know exactly what I am talking about." "F-fine. I uh kinda' have a teensy weensy crush on her ?" "O-oh my god, you and (y/n) are now my new favorite OTP." "Why are you so unsure? Never mind, feelings are complicated when you're in love."

"Why do you even care, microwave." "Hey, no need to be rude here but I'm just helping my future brother-in-law out. Guess I'll have to tell her myself-" "Don't you dare. Gees, what's taking her so long ?" "There she is, the princess herself has arrived." "Guys, what's going on ?" (Y/n) was so confused. "Well princess, your princ-." "It's nothing...we were just uh... talking about how beautiful you are." What did I just say? Sans you numb skull. "Err, thank you, Sans. But if you are teasing me about earlier then ..." "I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to..." I was imitating all the annoying monsters that were flirting with her earlier but making a joke right now just seems inappropriate... "No, it's okay." She smiled at me and sat down. "So...what are we going to do now ?" "P-probably play some board game a-and-" "With consequences." Undyne just made the game more interesting. "What kind of consequences ?" "Well, a punishment for each person when they lose." "Yeah, awesome. Let's talk about the consequences first. Mettaton, you're the most extra person in this room. Any suggestions?" Undyne gave Mettaton a very evil look.

"Ow, watch your words darling~ First punishment is for you, no violent behavior for one day." "Fine, if you don't look at the mirror for at least one day." "Okay then. Alphys dear~, it's now your turn. You don't get to ... post your status on the Undernet." "W-why ?" "It's part of the game duh." "O-Okay, but (y/n) has t-to wear whatever was given to her." "What why am I in this?" "Because you have no choice darling. Now, what punishment would we give Sans ?" "Uh, I am not playing." "Maybe this will change your mind." He placed MTT brand ketchup on the table. "Fine." I stretch my hand towards the bottle of ketchup but Mettaton snatched it away. "Only if you play." "Course. What game are we playing anyway ?" "Alphys pulls out a box of board games. "How many collections do you  have Alphys ?" "I-I don't know. M-me and Undyne love to the dump often because t-there a lot of cool h-human stuff." "Yeah!" "Ooo, this looks like a nice game." Mettaton held up a board game called Monopoly. It was still wrapped up, like as good as new. Or maybe it's new. "Why would someone throw this away. This game is damn expensive. I only get to play when my f-, you know what never mind." We opened the plastic and Alphys start reading the rules for the game. "H-hey there are only 4 tokens and w-we probably need a banker, c-can I be the banker?" "Then how about your punishment ?" "Err, ah-" "I'll be in a team with her, ready to get your robot ass kicked." "Challenge accepted." Mettaton and Undyne glanced at each other. "Wait I thought there were supposed to be 8 tokens? " "Probably manufacturing error."

Mettaton took the top hat while Undyne took the battleship. I let (y/n) choose first. She took the cat leaving me with a racing car. Gees if Paps were here he would have fought for the racing car, it's his lifelong dream to drive a car on the surface after all, with the wind blowing in his hair although he doesn't have any. Meanwhile, I appreciate what was given to me instead. "According to the r-rule book, the older ones go first." "So it goes like, Sans, me then Mettaton... Wait, how old is (y/n)." "Older than anyone of you but still younger than me." I placed my hand on her head. "Sans don't treat me like a kid." "Or not just any kid, you're my kid because I'm only one that is allowed to call you that." I ruffled her hair. She pouted while having a slight blush on her face. You just don't know how cute you are, sweetheart.

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