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Your POV

You were lying down on Sans's bed, not because you can't get up, it's because Sans doesn't allow you to. You already feel much better but Sans insists on taking care of you. To be honest, you kind of like the attention he gives you, it makes you feel special. Nonsense, he's helping you because he feels terrible about himself. But your feelings deny. Papyrus came home with soup but it was frozen due to the Snowdin's weather. Of course, he tried to heat it but ended up burning the pot although it seems impossible. The three of you had some good laughs and ended up eating spaghetti instead.

~Time Skip Brought to you by Annoying dog ~

You woke up to the light coming from the curtains. You saw Sans sitting on the floor resting his head on the bed. You slowly got off the bed trying not to wake Sans up, you gently opened the door and headed to your room. You grabbed your clothes and went into the shower. After a long bath, you went downstairs not expecting Sans to be awake and ready for work. "Good morning, hun." "Sans you didn't even bathe." "Wow, that's a weird way to greet someone." You glanced at him trying not to laugh. "I'm just lazy. Plus it's cold outside." "Personal hygiene is not a joke Sans." "Who said it was." You stared at him for a long time. "Fine, I'll bathe. But if I am late for work, I'll blame you." After a while, he came back down. "Done, let's go." He pulled you out of the house before you could say anything "Sans, did you spray yourself with water?" "Why'd you ask?" "Well, that was the shortest bath I've seen in my life." "What do you expect from a skeleton? It's not like I could even have body odor to worry about." "Fair point."

Both of you went to the hot dog stall. You and Sans were selling hot dogs and hot cats? while hitting each other with puns. It was a normal day. Until someone decided to show up. No, it's not Jerry. The monster who came might be your archenemy. "Hiya Sansy, where were you yesterday?" "Do I know you?" "You know me, Coney from Grillbys. I am a big fan of your dancing. I heard you work here so I decided to visit you but you weren't here yesterday." "O...kay? Why did you want to see me?" Although you feel annoyed and really want to give this drunk bunny two tight slaps, you managed to keep a poker face. "You know, I can show you a good time. What about tonight sugar plum?" "Uh sorry, I have plans for tonight."

Her eyesight slowly drifted towards you. What does she want from me? "And who's this slut ?" "She's no-" "I'm (y/n). It's really a PLEASURE to meet you." You tried to greet her with a handshake. She was squeezing your hand while doing so. You did the same to her. You took out your hand before it gets more intense. "Here's my number Sansy, call me anytime. Bye." She gave him a flying kiss while Sans just smiles awkwardly. He then stuffs the crumpled piece of paper in his jacket. " What you keeping that for?" "Well I store all my trash in here so..." " Looks like you finally got a date." You said in a teasing tone, but deep down feel jealous. "Well, this is not the first time I'm asked on a date you know." "Oh really?" you said in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, don't you know all the girls in the underground want a piece of me?" "All?" You gave him an unamused look. "Most of them. Sorry, I forgot Miss (y/n) here is a big shot herself." "What?" "An eye candy to all the guys here in the underground. Don't get me started on the number of monsters that are hitting on you." "Wow, I didn't notice, can you tell me?" "No." "Why? Are you hitting on me too ?" He had a slight blush on his face. "In your dreams kid." "Thought so." "You know Jerry is still available, why don't we go on a double date, in fact, I'll call him right now." He started dialing Jerry's number. "Don't you dare?" "Just playing with you kid." "I hate you, Sans." You said while punching his shoulder. "Kid, you are more violent than I thought." You just stay silent until he starts tickling you." Sans, stop it." "By the way, you okay with Coney calling you a slut just now?" "Do you think I am?" "No."

" Listen here kid, people here can be very cruel sometimes. Make sure nothing gets under your skin." "As if the ones on the surface are really nice... Wait did you just..." Sans winked at you and you started giggling. " I don't like to see you upset." Me too.  " Wanna get some ice cream? It probably could cool you down." "Sure, why not?" A normal day in Hotland, having ice cream with the one you love right beside you ...

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