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San's POV

Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t!

I cannot kiss her. I mean I want to but ... What would she think of me after? I know I have a big fat crush on her, but I do not know what she thinks of me. She probably sees me as a close friend or a brother. I am okay with kissing her since ... I have kissed a lot of people. Or maybe not... that was me two years ago. I kissed whoever that comes home with me. I was such a douchebag. But the main difference is that I did not have feelings for the person at that time, but now I do. (Y/n) is a sweetheart and I know she is not comfortable with this. Just look at her face, she looks like a tomato and she is not making eye contact with me. I think if we pushed her, she would probably cry.

"Hey, this is unfair you know." "Oh, darling, you know the rules." (and so do I. sorry I cannot resist). "Mettaton, don't rush me. It takes time..." wait, is she okay with it. "Ooh~." "Hey punk, don't tell me this is your first kiss." "Actually Undyne, this is..." Oh my god, I am going to be her first kiss. Do not f*ck this up. "H-hey (y/n), y-you look p-pretty c-comfortable with y-your first kiss. Is it because- "No, I am not b-but ... rules are rules ahahaha?" Tibia honest, her laugh was cringy. Oh, f*ck this. Lets' get this over with. Short and simple, Sans. Short and simple. I looked at her. Grabbed her face and ... Voila!

That was simple, wasn't it? (Y/n) covered her face and curled up. Guess it was not, I am out of here. My face is heating up ... a lot. Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I could have just smacked my teeth against her lips, why was I so passionate. But she kissed back though... Maybe because it was her first kiss, and she did not know what to do. It's going to be so awkward between us after this. Alphy's sent me a message. "Keep this XD." Along with a picture of (y/n) and me kissing. I looked so serious but looked surprised and flustered. Cute. I am keeping this.

(Y/n)'s POV

You are still curled up. Oh my God. I did it, I finally did it. I mean he did it. You know you did not have enough courage to do it. "So darling, how was it?" "How w-was what?" "Oww, you know what I am talking about," Mettaton asked while having a smirk on his face. "It was fine I guess." "Only 'fine'?" "I mean ... it was actually... uhm kind of' ... Okay fine I admit it. He is a great kisser, and I am not, and I ruined everything for him by acting awkward and fhshfhdajsfgds. God, I am having a mental breakdown right now, I can't talk properly." And you hid your face again. "I-it's okay (y/n), y-you'll get used to i-it. I s-still get overly excited when u-undyne kisses me." "Aww, come here you, adorable little pumpkin." Undyne kissed Alphy's forehead and she did not flinch at all. "Wow, I am kind of jealous of both of you. By the way, where are Toriel and Frisk?" "They went out for a walk darling. Sadly, she missed out." "O-uh, a-about that I have s-sent her a p-picture. H-he he." "Wait, you took pictures?! Show me." "Don't w-worry (y/n) I have sent it to you too." You checked your phone. Oh God, I look awful. You looked at the gift Sans have given you and brought it to your room. You loved it a lot. Then, you went back down.

"Come to think of it, darling. Sans usually puns his way out of things he does not want to do. But this time, he looked equally fine with kissing you. Don't you think it is a little suspicious? Have you ever thought if he had the same feel- "Mettaton, I think he is just being nice to me...? By the way, where is Papyrus? "You changed the topic. "He went out to search for his brother. Darling, it seems that you have been blanking out too long that you were unaware of your surroundings. "I think so." "We are back." "Toriel, you are ba- "Congratulations on your first kiss my child." "You know what guys; lets' stop talking about this and head out and play in the snow." Frisk seemed happy about the idea. They excitedly pulled you out of the house.

"So, whatcha' wanna do buddy?" They signed to you, telling you they want to build a snowman. "That's odd, it takes time to understand what Frisk is saying but you seemed to understand them very well. I didn't know you are good at sign language my child!" I am? I don't know... I even learned to understand wing dings fast. Strange. Maybe I am just a fast learner? "Geez, thanks Goat Mum." You and Frisk continue building the snowman. You sensed something. "Frisk watch out." The snowball hit the snowman instead. You were not surprised that it was Undyne. "Undyne, what was that for?" "You guys are taking all day finishing that snowman, a snowball fight is more f- "Frisk hits Undyne with a snowball. "You are going to regret this punk." Thus, Undyne starts throwing snowballs at both of you. "NYEH? A SNOWBALL FIGHT WITHOUT THE GREAT PAPYRUS?" Papyrus joins the party. Sans refuses to join but Frisk accidentally hits him with a snowball. "Hey kid, do you wanna have a bad time?" He looks quite intimidating.

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