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Your POV

You were in a dark void. You decided to walk around. You saw a black ghostly figure at the corner of the room. You walk towards it. It turned around , and gave you signals that look like wingdings. Then everything disappeared. You woke up in San's embrace. It was just a dream but it felt so real. Lucid dream? Yes. You saw him sleeping soundly and you didn't want to wake him up. But then you accidentally bumped your head on his chin. "Ah, you're awake. I've been waiting for you." "Why didn't you wake me up then." He blushed. He's so cute when his face turns purple. " I didn't want to.."

You got up and went to your backpack you got a t-shirt, leggings and skinny jeans. You also had some undergarments too. You picked up the blacktop and skinny jeans. Then realize you didn't have a towel. " Sans, do you have an extra towel ?" "Here. Catch." He tossed you a blue towel. "But I am going to take a bath first." "Fine." He left the room and you didn't know what to do. You stood up and made his bed. Then you took out your phone to see that you still had 75% left. Good enough for me. You saw it was written Undernet instead of 4G or 3G. Do monsters have internet down here? Great. You started deleting all the photos that reminded you of your friends and changed your wallpaper to a custom one instead.

Then Sans walked into the room. He was only wearing a towel, showing his upper body. Both of you made eye contact and start blushing very hard. " Sorry, I forgot that you were here." You covered your face and said "Never mind, accidents happen right? Hehe.." You were not okay. You ran towards the bathroom and close the door behind you. After bathing, you put on your top and skinny jeans then head downstairs. You saw Sans at the dining table. " What's for breakfast" "Leftover spaghetti." "Of course. I'll teach him to make something else than spaghetti later." "Great, I don't have to eat spaghetti every day anymore." You smiled at him and he smiled back. "Come on, eat your breakfast. A long day awaits us." "Where are we going anyway?" "Shopping." "For?" "Buying you, clothes." "But I don't have any G." "Not a problem, I can pay for you." "No Sans, this is not okay. Is there a money changer or something?" "No, but I know a turtle guy who gives you G if you sell him junk." "You think this will work." "Let's try to find out." You had your purse with you so you thought of changing your money into G.

You and Sans walk down Snowdin until you reach a river. On the way, a lot of people greeted Sans and compliment you that you look beautiful. Some monsters even tried to flirt with you but Sans gave them a signal as if he told them to back off. You felt so grateful that Sans was with you. You guys got on the boat. " Waterfall," Sans said. You admired how beautiful the river was as you see a clear reflection of yourself. " Tra la la. Beware of the man that speaks in hands." Sans's white pupils disappear leaving a blank eye socket. "What about the man that speaks in hands." Silence. "Nothing, why?" Sans's eyes turned back to normal but the tone of his voice was weird. "I think I dreamt of him. I was in a void. I saw a ghostly figure at the corner of the room. He tried to tell me something in Wingdings, then I woke up. It just felt very real..." "It's nothing to worry about, hun. It was just a weird dream that's all." But you doubt that.

"We are here." You got off the boat. "Wow, this is a really beautiful place." You walk along with Sans while looking around you. The crystals reflected beautiful blue light, making everything seem so magical. You reach a shed. An old turtle was wearing a hat. " Hi, I am Gerson. How may I help you?" "Errr, I would like to trade human money for some gold please." You handed in the money and he starts counting it. " Spectacular. Wait for a while ." He heads in and starts taking some gold. Sans accidentally hit his knee on the corner of the table. He fell while hugging his knee. " Mah-knee." When you realize it was a pun you start laughing. " Do you have any Sans ?" You held your hand out to help him. "Honey, whatever you are doing right now is coinless. I can stand up by myself you see ." "Next time be cashful okay ?"Looks like you lost your number, can I have yours ?" "Sans, you could have just ask ." "Nah, it's more pun this way." You gave Sans your number and both of you start laughing until Gerson turned up to give you your G. " Come back again. What a lovely couple ." You and Sans blushed knowing that you too are not a thing.

"You know what you want to use the river again or take a shortcut?" "There is a shortcut ?" Sans held your hand. " Trust me ." You guys somehow teleported near the entrance of The MTT Shopping Mall. You felt something on top of you. Both of you got up before anyone else can see you. "How did you do that." "Magic," Sans said while closing one of his eyes. You went in and pick the cheapest clothes that you can find while Sans picked up some nice clothes and a dress for you. "If you like it you should buy it, don't hesitate so much." God how does he know that I was thinking of buying them. You paid the money to the cashier while Sans also paid although he wasn't supposed to. When you looked at him angrily he just winked which somehow cooled you down.

After that, both of you were exhausted and hungry. " Hey wanna go to Grillsby ?" "I thought it was a strip club." "Only at night, in the day it's just a normal restaurant." "What about these." You two were holding shopping bags. "We could just place them at home on the way. " "But my puny legs can't walk any further." "Wanna take the shortcut instead? " "Sans, you know what happened just now." "I'll make sure that doesn't happen this time." 

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