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Sans's POV

"BROTHER, ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?" "Does it seem like I have any other choice?" "WHY NOT JUST TE-" "No Paps, I had listened to you last time but now I think I should do this my way."

"Sansy, are you okay?" "Huh? I'm fine." I gave her a fake smile. "Great! We are almost there. Feels good to finally have some time alone with you!" She ended her sentence with a giggle. She seemed very excited. Hey, maybe it will turn out better than I thought, maybe I'll have a lot of fun, and maybe we have a lot in common just like what (y/n)... said. After exiting the lift, I received a call from Alphys. "Hey, Coney I have to take this meet me at the entrance m'kay." 'Sure Sansy~" "H-hello." "Yes, Alphys. This is Sans speaking." "Y-yeah, okay. Uhm d-do you remember what (y/n) told you... A-about how she f-fell." "Hmm. Ask her if she knew some girls named Kenna (I've changed Kiera into Kenna, 'cause I realize there are a lot of people named Kiera) or Alexa." "O-okay. H-hold on a sec..." Despite Alphys being far from the phone, I could still hear their conversation. "... I don't remember..." How could she not even remember them? "Hel-" "Alphys, It seems that her condition has gotten even serious. I'll come to the lab later." (Y/n) I hope you are okay...

I then walk to the entrance of the MTT restaurant near the core. I see Coney talking to somebody... "Oh look Metta my date is finally here." "Well, really nice to meet y- SANS?!" "Hey, that doesn't feel like a very warm welcome." "Oh, my stars! look at the time, Miss Coney, you must go get ready for your performance. Meanwhile, I'll have a conversation with Mr. Sans." "Alright Metta. See you later Sansy~ Muah!" She gave me a flying kiss and walked away. "Sans?" "Yes?" "Are you out of your mind? I thought you were in love with (y/n)." "I mean Coney did ask me out.. and she's not that bad." "How about your one true love? Did you throw all of your feelings for her away? You could have asked her o-" "Listen here you annoying pink toaster, she was the one who encouraged me to go on this date in the first place. Can't you see that I and her will never work out? Stop forcing it to happen!" Why am I so angry? I glanced at him and walked into the dinner and sat at my table.

"Good evening beauties and gentle beauties. Welcome back to another episode of Understar. Lets' give a round of applause to today's special guest, Coney." "Thank you Mettaton. Good evening everyone, I will be singing my favorite song on stage..."I don't know what came over me just now. But honestly, Mettaton was right. How nice would it be if I went on a date with (y/n) instead? Her beautiful smile and laughter always melt my soul, I can't even look straight into her eyes without blushing. "Hello, Mr. Sans. What do you think about your dates' performance." "Huh." Oh sh*t, what was her performance again? Gees, how long was I blanking out? Mettaton was holding a microphone at me and his crew was pointing the camera in my direction. "Uhm yeah, she did really well. " "Thank you Sansy." "Your welcome, Coney." She pulled me into a hug. "Thanks, Mr. Sans. Well, I guess that's the end of today's show. Until next time, beauties." After the crew left, Mettaton served us. "Sit down gorgeous, your meal will arrive soon." "Thank you, Metta~" So, how do I start a conversation with her?

"Sansy~ I know I sang really well, as usual. But I saw you blanking out for a moment. Did you actually enjoy it? " Oh yeah, she was singing. Crack a pun or a joke, she'll probably like that. " Water you saying? I think you did great." I winked at her and took a sip from the glass of water. Coney looked really confused at first so I had to give her a hint. "Hehe... Nice one, Sansy." Tibia honest, this conversation turned out very awkward. The next 15 minutes was just Coney telling me how her day went and complained to me about how late the food is. I was trying to start talking about myself but since she went on non-stop, I just nodded to whatever she says. She finally stopped when the waiter served our food. "Bone-appetite." Coney just smiled at me and started to dig in. Not the type of reaction that I was looking forward to. "Hello again, gorgeous. Are you enjoying the dish?" "Yes, it tastes delicious!" "How about you, mister? How is the dish?" I am not gonna give up on a great opportunity when I see one. "I think they taste eggcellent. I am berry satisfied. " The waiter snickered a little and walked away whereas Coney was looking at me confused again. "Hey, Sansy wanna head to the rooftop later. I heard there is a really beautiful up there." "Yeah, sure..."

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