Chapter 35: The Starting Point...

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After the battle, Yusuke was taken to the I.S. Academy's Infirmary where he is to recover and be repaired after being defeated by ARK though unfortunately, his Zero One Driver was destroyed and he has been induced into a Coma...

Yusuke laid down on his Medical Bed with the CycloneRiser and Rocking Hopper Key, though everyone knew that he would recover since he is a mechanical being, they couldn't understand what is preventing him from waking up or the possibility that he is in Stasis Lock...

Though what was really going on was that Yusuke was conversing with his now deactivated Grandfather through the Rocking Hopper Key...

-Message Starts-

Soreo: "Yusuke..."

Yusuke: "Grandpa?"

Yusuke: "What's going on!?"

Yusuke: "Where is this place?!"

Soreo: "This is a Pre-recorded Message..."

Yusuke: "What are you talking about, Grandpa!?"

Soreo: "Yusuke, if you are hearing means that I've been destroyed..."

Soreo: "My consciousness has been transferred into Satellite ZEA or what's left of it and strict Protocols have been applied, to safe-guard my A.I. programming..."

Soreo: "I won't be able to be rebuilt until ARK is defeated but I have left a message for both you and your father..."

Soreo: "I'm giving the mantle of Ichi-Gata to you..."

Soreo: "The CycloneRiser is a Belt that is meant to be used by an A.I."

Soreo: "Though your Human father, Hiden Aruto is an exception since he has some ZEA programming embedded in his brain, thus making him compatible with both this belt and the ForceRiser..."

Soreo: "If you are wondering about my deactivation, don't be..."

Soreo: "You have a whole future ahead of you, but please promise me this one thing..."

Yusuke: "What is it, Grandpa?"

Soreo: "Protect the smiles and dreams of the innocent, alright?"

Yusuke: "I will..."

Soreo: "That is all for the message..."

Soreo: "Always remember..."

Soreo: "You're my Grandson, and I hope you do great things with the CycloneRiser..."

Soreo: "Good luck..."

He said before the message ended and Yusuke slowly opened his eyes...

-Message Ends-

Yusuke recovers and notices Kanzashi Sarashiki napping on the side of his bed...

Yusuke smiles that the girl he protected doesn't have any injuries from the previous battle, though that moment was shortlived as Raito and the others arrived and were happy to see Yusuke, causing Kanzashi to wake up in a surprised manner due to the sudden noise!

The others soon noticed this as well and asked Kanzashi why she was in the infirmary...

Kanzashi: "I want to nurse the person who protected me to full health!"

She exclaimed before blushing when she realized what she just said...

Raito: "Awww...look's like someone grew up too fast, huh...?"

Cecilia: "Look's like you found each other's soulmate...?"

Raito and Cecilia teased causing both Yusuke and Kanzashi to blush a furious crimson!

Yusuke: "Stop it! Big Bro..."

Tatenashi: "Ohhhhh...But both of you didn't deny it..."

Kanzashi: "Ah! Mou, Nee-Chan!"

Yusuke: "But Love aside, I guess I need to transform using Grandpa's CycloneRiser, then..."

Raito: "Yeah...Grandpa was deactivated but his A.I. was transmitted to ZEA, though thankfully Izu contains the back-up to ZEA along with the Zero Two Driver, though we have to remember that ARK has hijacked the ZEA Satellite..."

Raito: "Unfortunately, we can't ask for his help..."

Yusuke: "Since his A.I. is strictly guarded by ZEA..."

Raito: "How did you know...that...?"

Yusuke: "Oh yeah, Grandpa left a message for me in the Rocking Hopper Key..."

Yusuke: "I'm the new Ichi-Gata, now..."

Raito: "It's alright, Use it wisely okay..."

Raito: "I've analyzed the Ichi-Gata armor and its strength and speed are on par with Shining Assault Hopper, plus it has the restoring properties of the Progrise Hopper Blade..."

Raito: "So even if you only have One Form, you have a lot of Abilities and Options when transformed."

Raito: "Plus I think you'll be very interested to find out that the suite enables you to summon both the Attache Calibur and progrise Hopper Blade for safe measure..."

Yusuke: "Cool! Did you do that modification?"

Raito: "It was actually Grandpa, the weapon summoning was something that was already in the key before he gave it to you, and the only possible person who could adjust it was Grandpa..."

Raito: "ARK has taken over the ZEA satellite and Metsubojinrai.Net are slowly disbanding since I think both Naki, Raiden, and Horobi are regaining their singularity..."

Yusuke: "Jin?"

Raito: "Not sure...but Jin has helped us a lot..."

Yusuke: "What do you mean, help!?"

The Younger Brother asked as the door to the infirmary made a noise as a person entered the room...

The Younger Brother asked as the door to the infirmary made a noise as a person entered the room

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It was Jin...

Chapter Ends...

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