Chapter 41: The Destructions That Wrath Brings...

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With the revelation of Aruto being Ark-One, both Raito and Yusuke were in their rooms, pondering on what they should do...

They should defeat Aruto but he is their father, they felt slightly betrayed by Aruto but understood why he became this way, ever since Izu was destroyed, he became distant, becoming a man of a few words, his jokes left unsaid, he became somber, depressed, and most of all hated Horobi for what he had done.

But they felt most guilty, when they realized that they should have spotted his odd behavior way before the reveal, they wished that they helped him sooner.

But their thoughts would soon disappear in an instant as the TVs that were left on, in each of their rooms, showed the news, and with it information, information about how their father and creator was missing, and most importantly, information about a mob of corrupted HumaGear turned Magias led by Horobi himself...

Both of their eyes widened in shock as they prepared their gear and went to their door, with Taiga, Aoi, and Shiro waiting outside for them.

Aoi: "Took you long enough..."

Shiro: "Yeah, we were basically waiting for you since 14 minutes ago..."

Taiga: "Hopefully we still have enough time to catch up, since you know, the girls and everyone else had already gone to their field trip while we were advised to stay here..."

Yusuke: "Wait field trip?"

Raito: "I thought all of you went and join the others..."

Yusuke: "I thought it was tomorrow?"

Shiro: "Yeah, Field trip, today! Your Dad costed a trip to Kyoto, so you better bet your artificial butt that I will join the fight for much-needed stress relief!"

She said as both Raito and Yusuke looked at each other and were about to reply to her, only to see Aoi behind the girl signaling them to shut up..!

They decided to do just that, shut up, and let Shiro rant about how she was excited to go to Kyoto, with gritting teeth and an angry expression.

Raito and Yusuke Thoughts: 'Sorry Dad, as much as we want to save you, you're on your own when it comes to this...'

They both thought as it sent a shiver up Aruto's spine, as he was walking to the warehouse where he would confront Horobi...

Aruto: "So you've come..."

He said, gritting his teeth, his eyes are red from crying and hatred, his expression showing hatred, an emotion that he had never shown before...

The young president's glare had stunned Horobi momentarily as the father-type HumaGear was slightly surprised by the hatred shown towards him, never seeing that hateful face through all the data that he had collected about Aruto, none had ever shown him with such a face...

Horobi: "After today, we HumaGear will prosper from the tyrannical reign of humanity."

Horobi: "Are you not terrified of me? Of what I have done...?"

Horobi: "I terminated the HumaGear that had helped you, that assisted you, that gave you the drive for this dream of yours..."

Horobi: "Why do you not fear me..?"

He asked, trying to be intimidating, silently attempting to convince him to not fight and let him lead the attack, knowing that he had caused an irredeemable tragedy to Aruto and his family...

Aruto: "I'm terrified of you, but... I'll never run!"

Aruto: "And I'll never forgive you for that!"

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