Chapter 20: Background Check...

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The teens saw that Jin stood before the knocked down Aoi, as he smiled and laughed gleefully...

The teens saw that Jin stood before the knocked down Aoi, as he smiled and laughed gleefully

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Shiro: "Jin's back, as a human?"

Raito: "Not human, my scans indicate that he is still is a HumaGear..."

Jin: "I have evolved..."

Taiga: "So he's a HumaGear without the big ridiculous Modules..."

After hearing that statement from Taiga, Raito immediately touches his ears or more accurately his HumaGear Modules...

Raito: "Hey! My Modules aren't ridiculous..."

Taiga: "No offense but those stick out like a sore thumb, dude..."

Taiga: "Though I have to admit that your Modules are more compact and effective in terms of design..."

Jin: "Thanks for the compliment..."

Shiro: "Yeah it's like you have an earphone on which is more normal than having gigantic Modules..."

Raito: "You know what!? Can we deal with the newly resurrected Jin here, today is not 'make fun of my Modules' day!"

Taiga: "Very well..."

Raito: "So how did you come back!?"

Jin: "Look behind you..."

The four teens look behind them and see Hakase Bot!

Raito: "Hakase Bot!? You revived Jin!?"

The teens then noticed that every time Jin spoke Hakase Bot copied his words...

Raito: "So you hacked Hakase..."

Jin: "I did..."

Taiga: "Why did you tell us about Satellite ARK and Satellite ZEA when you controlled Hakase then...?"

Jin: "I saw that there was no point in hiding it..."

Jin: "Besides I was here to distract you all..."

Shiro: "To distract us from what!?"

Raito thought about it for a few seconds and came to a conclusion!

Raito: "So Horobi would be able to reconnect to Satellite ARK!"

Jin: "Bingo!"

Jin: "It's no secret anyway, you can easily ask Hiden Soreo for confirmation..."

Raito: "How do you know about my GrandFather?"

Jin: "I hacked Hakase Bot, remember?"

Jin: "I used some of his memories to act authentically..."

Raito: "Then you should know that it isn't supposed to be like this..."

Raito: "My Father was raised by a HumaGear and I was raised by a Human we are proof that HumaGear and Humans can co-exist!"

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