Scenario 33: The Big Attack!

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Both Yusuke and Raito managed to fend off ARK and soon help repaired the arena, though they soon went back inside the academy after reverting back to their civilian forms... 

Raito was then hugged by Cecilia and Yusuke was given a group hug by the others...

Ichika: "That was awesome!"

Rin: "You kicked butt!"

Houki: "Impressive..."

Laura: "Such a coordinated attack..."

Raito: "Thanks! But Yusuke was the one who thought of it..."

Charlotte: "How did you execute it without alerting ARK?"

Yusuke: "Simple...We're both connected to ZEA, so we could easily communicate through the satellite quickly..."

Cecilia: "Oh....."

Yusuke: "But I have the feeling that ARK won't stop, just cause we beat him this time..."

Raito: "That's the annoying part about the big bad guy, he always keeps going around returning for revenge..."

Yusuke: "Though I don't think that we'll have to deal with him again, for today..."

Raito: "Agreed..."

Ichika: "Is it me? Or is the fact that these two are HumaGears are quickly disappearing, they're becoming more human..."

Taiga: "Fear not, it's not just you..."

Taiga: "I once thought of HumaGears as an existence beneath the Human race, but it seems that they are also capable of feeling like a human..."

Charlotte: "Good to know that the future is going to be bright..."

Laura: "Or dark...they're enemy hasn't been defeated giving them a chance to be prepared for another attack..."

Cecilia: "While that's true, these two are more than ready when it comes to combat capabilities!"

Yusuke: "But so far ZEA and ARK are at a stalemate, but I think ARK should have a disadvantage considering how Horobi saved Jin from ARK"

Raito: "We shouldn't count that out now, Horobi is still going to eradicate humanity though..."

Yusuke: "He did give us a warning at the end of our last battle so it wouldn't be wise to count that possibility out..."

Raito: "But at least we know what we're in for..."

Yusuke: "Then we should be prepared for any outcome..."

Laura: "Then let's coordinate a full-on assault!"

Ichika sweatdropped and spoke...

Ichika: "I don't think we need to do something that extreme..."

Yusuke: "I'm in..."

Ichika: "Wait-WHAT!?"

Raito: "Face it, we're dealing with a malicious satellite that doesn't want anything but the destruction and extinction of Humanity...."

Ichika: "Well...when you put it that way..."

Rin: "Besides we need to do something, we can't sit here in the academy forever!"

Chifuyu: "Because you aren't..."

Chifuyu stated while loudly opening the door, startling everyone!

Ichika: "Chifuyu-Nee"

Chifuyu then smacks her little brother over the head!

Ichika: "HEY! What was that for!?"

Chifuyu: "That's for not calling me Orimura-Sensei!"

Ichika: "Hai! Orimura-Sensei!"

Chifuyu sighed before explaining what she said clearing up the other's confusion...

Raito: "Are you saying we can help out...?"

Chifuyu: "Yes..."

Chifuyu: "The I.S. Academy has officially allied itself with A.I.M.S. and Hiden Intelligence..."

Chifuyu: "All I.S. Users will have the capability to face against Magia and Metsubojinrai.Net..."

Yusuke: "That's awesome!"

Chifuyu: "Shouldn't you all be working on the homework that I assigned you?"

She said causing the group to sweat a lot, while Rin merely puffs up her chest with pride...

Rin: "Ha! Jokes on you, I'm not in your class!"

Chifuyu: "No, you get detention!"

Rin: "Awwwwww...."

She whined at her short-lived prideful moments...

But as everyone was walking to their separate dorm rooms to work on their homework, they soon heard an explosion nearby as they soon looked at Chifuyu with a blank expression...

Chifuyu sighed in defeat and waved her hand signaling: "You can go..."

She soon yelled at the running teens...


Chapter Ends...

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