Chapter 22: Dark Revival of The Dead And A New Member...

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Ever since Naki has been extracted from Aoi's transformation chip, he felt like the fog in his mind has lifted and the pain in his head is gone...

Raito was angry at himself for letting Metsubojinrai.Net get his Rising Hopper Key and have Raiden's Progrise Key...

Cecilia comforted him as he was mad at himself for letting them have what they demanded as they killed Midori and took Aoi hostage...

Cecilia: "Raito, you saved Aoi from that Red Chicken-"

Raito: "Falcon..."

He corrected his girlfriend...

Cecilia: "Falcon..."

Cecilia: "Besides look on the bright side the HumaGear that was destroyed was backed up and rebuilt"

Raito: "I guess, You're right..."

Cecilia: "You need to calm down and resolve the problems in your mind..."

Raito: "I'll do that..."

Cecilia the kissed him on the cheek and stood up before walking away...

But she was stopped by Raito calling her...

Raito: "Cecilia..."

Cecilia: "Yeah?"

She said looking back...

Raito: "Thanks that helped a lot..."

Cecilia: "No problem!"

The Blonde said before walking away...

Raito then shook his head and stood up with confidence after taking a deep breathe...

Raito walked to the hall and met Taiga and Aoi...

Taiga: "Hey, What's wrong Raito...?"

Raito: "Nothing, its just that I had something on my mind..."

Aoi: "Raito, Thanks for saving me from Jin..."

Raito: "No problem, after all you're my friend..."

Aoi the offered his hand to shake as Raito shook it...

Aoi: "I owe you..."

Raito: "That's are what friends are for right?"

Aoi: "I guess so..."

Then an explosion happened in the arena and everyone saw the giant behemoth of a machine that they have faced: Giger standing outside of the training arena and breaking through...

Then an explosion happened in the arena and everyone saw the giant behemoth of a machine that they have faced: Giger standing outside of the training arena and breaking through

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The mech then entered the arena as it stood in its position before placing its fist on the ground before opening it revealing five people...

Raito, Taiga, Aoi, Shiro, and the others went to the arena to see the intruders and hopefully stop them from wreaking havoc!

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