Chapter 40: The Ark Of Corruption...

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With Azu taking control of Aruto after the death of  Izu, the days that followed were strangely peaceful.

Yusuke, Raito, Aoi, Shiro, and Taiga were all having fun in the academy, with their friends comforting them regarding the death of their maternal figure, but that aside, they were able to enjoy their life at the academy, studying and completing assignments that they couldn't finish due to the numerous attacks that had happened...

Raito was with Cecilia, Taiga was with Charlotte, Aoi with Shiro, and surprisingly, Yusuke with Kanzashi Sarashiki..!?

Raito: "Ehh!? When did this start?!"

Cecilia: "Yusuke, when did you ask Kanzashi out...?"

Yusuke: "Hey! For your information, this is just a hang-out, not a date..."

He said as Kanzashi then kissed him in the cheek before whispering to his ear...

Kanzashi: "Not a date, yet~"

She corrected and whispered to his ear, resulting in a blushing Yusuke, whose ears have literal smoke coming out of them!

Kanzashi: "Besides, I want to try and be more socially active, so what better way to do that, by "hanging out" with the person who saved me...?"

She said as the display of the smoking ears caused laughter among their friends as Cecilia giggled the loudest..!

Cecilia: "This reminds me of our confession back at Christmas..."

Raito: "Please don't remind me and tell them..."

Taiga: "What happened...?"

The boy asked with a smug and devious smirk, followed by a smirk from both Aoi and Shiro...

Cecilia: "When he asked me out on a date, I said yes, and then I kissed his cheek, his cheeks were red, smoke coming out of his ears, though I swear I saw  some sparks as well..."

Raito: "That is enough, love, no need to embarrass me in front of people who will likely use that as blackmail against me..!"

He said with a distressed voice, as Taiga, Aoi, and Shiro took small recorders out of their pockets, causing Raito's skin to turn pale, though that didn't really bother Cecilia, as she summoned one of her flying turrets to shoot them all simultaneously!

Cecilia: "What blackmail...?"

She innocently asked as she shot a smug smirk back at them, while the three playfully glare at her...

Taiga: "Well played, Alcott..."

He said as he showed a proud expression which Cecilia nodded to...

Raito: "Why do I feel uncomfortable..."

He said, commenting on how both Taiga and Cecilia seemed to be happy and proud with each other, both giving a thumbs-up to each other as if they were cooperating in some way...

Aoi: "Ok....ay...! Let's just skip the mushy stuff and just enjoy our time..!"

He said as he told the others, which everyone nodded in agreement...

But as they enjoyed their date, they passed the road that they had encountered Ark Zero and saw that there was some A.I.M.S Personnel who were shooting Magia..!

Aoi: "What!? Magia?!"

Shiro: "Let's go and investigate!"

She said as both Raito, Yusuke, and Taiga agreed, as they apologized to their dates, knowing that they would return back to the academy, considering that they wouldn't be able to use their Personal I.S. outside of school...

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