Chapter 13: Foggy Memories...

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"Who are you?"

The question that shocked everyone and hit deeper towards Cecilia as it pains her to see her boyfriend in an amnesiac state...

Cecilia: "Do you know what happened?"

Raito: "I merely recall my activation, did that not happened yesterday?"

Aruto: "What's your name?"

Raito: "I am HumaGear #12085 Designation: Hiden Raito"

Raito: "Function: Son to Hiden Aruto..."

Raito: "Status Adopted..."

Raito: "Greetings Father, Izu..."

Izu scanned Raito's main processor and consulted Satelite ZEA...

Aruto: "What's wrong Izu?"

Izu: "I have scanned Raito and consulted Satellite ZEA it seems that the data provided from his direct connection to the ARK has overwhelmed his systems"

Izu: "Re-establishing connection to Satellite ZEA could restore his memory banks..."

Izu looked hesitant for a bit...

Aruto: "Izu, is there something else we should know?"

Izu: "Unfortunately, the Zero One Driver's feature to have a direct connection to Satellite ZEA has been severed..."

Aruto: "WHAT!?"

Izu: "It seems we must find a way to repair the Zero One Driver's connection so we may restore Raito's memories..."

Cecilia: "Then how do we restore the connection!?"

Izu: "That will need further consultation and investigation..."

Raito: "What is wrong with me, Father?"

Aruto: "You don't need to call me Father, just call me Dad...!"

Raito: "Command understood, Dad..."

Aruto: "This is going to be like raising his singularity all over again..."

Cecilia: "Singularity?"

Aruto: "Oh I never told you guys anything about it huh?"

Aruto: "When a HumaGear reaches Singularity it is the equivalent on finally follow  their own desires..."

Aruto: "It works in the sense that they can finally make their own decisions after being guided by Satelite ZEA..."

Raito: "I'm sorry Dad my Memory Banks are very foggy and damaged..."

Taiga: "To be expected, at least we humans can recount most of our memories with our natural mind instead of some fragile network..."

Aoi: "Not cool, man..."

Shiro: "That was way over the line..."

Raito listened to what Taiga said and his words echoed throughout his digital mind as his headset slowly turned red as it flickered from Blue to Red!

Everyone saw this and became cautious until Cecilia ran and hugged him with tears in her eyes as Raito began to struggle against her grip she kept holding her as her tears began to wet his uniform...

Everyone was going to help until Aruto told them to back down as they all noticed that Raito is slowly calming down...

Aruto: "Don't! Look what's happening!"

Then Raito finally calms down after minutes of squirming...

The HumaGear then looks down at Cecilia as her Azure Blue Eyes looks into his flickering Crimson Red and Ocean Blue Eyes, as they look at each other Cecilia kept having hoped in her eyes where her boyfriend would recover and return...

But as they stare into each other's eyes Raito would grip his head and scream in agony as he tried to resist ARK's influence...

Raito kept screaming and moving wildly as he grips his head!

Everyone tried to calm him down as he was still being hugged by Cecilia wrapped in her warm embrace...

Raito hyperventilated but soon his breathing became steadier and became slower showing that he has finally calmed down...

Cecilia kept hugging him and whisper calming words resulting in him to hug her back and cry on her shoulder...

The child and friend that they once knew are temporarily gone as what remains is his unstable emotions and. the struggle of comprehending his own existence as his memories are covered in a thick fog the people who care about him aren't, but so far in this development, the only person who could calm him down is only Cecilia...

Even though his memories haven't returned his body surely remembers everything even if his mind is still wiped blank...

This predicament has continued as Days became Weeks and Weeks became Months in which he is still recovering...

His grades are still high and intellect surpassing others in his class...

But his emotions were blank...

What everyone saw was his former lively eyes turn dead and lifeless as his enthusiasm faded into obscurity...

He slowly became more robotic than human, colder than warmer...

As this continued everyone thought...

'Will the Raito we knew return...?'

Chapter Ends...

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