Chapter 28: Resistance!

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The Shotgun hissed as smoke flew out of its barrel but everyone noticed another arm below the shotgun as everyone saw ARK shooting the sky...

ARK: "I-i-im-possible!"

Raito: "A-a-ARK!"

ARK: "How can you still resist me...!?"

Raito: "Because you almost shot my girlfriend!"

Raito said before forcing his hands to grab his belt...!

Then he tore it from his waist making the belt breakdown into ARK Mobile form!

Everyone was amazed by how Raito resisted ARK's control but he soon knelt down weakly before falling on the ground unconscious...

Cecilia: "Raito!"

She called out as she caught the unconscious HumaGear in her arms while looking at the Second Raito with sadness in both of their eyes...

The Second Raito merely walks away with his head down after turning around from the sight...

Cecilia calls out for her other Boyfriend but merely receives hand waving "Goodbye" as he walks back to the Academy dorms.

Cecilia looks at "Her" Raito that was still being hugged by her as she somehow felt a lingering pain in her heart...

She got Raito back...

But hurt the heart of another... 

She doesn't know what to do in this situation!

It's not everyday that your boyfriend is a mechanical being that was cloned into another robotic body...!

This perplexed her greatly seeing that she doesn't know what to do in the situation as Ichika, and the others return to comfort the lost boy...

As she, Aruto, Izu, and Soreo give her company along with Raito in her arms...

Everyone would soon return to the Academy as the fight was over but the pain remained.

The unconscious original  was placed in the infirmary, as Cecilia run over to the Second version of Raito giving him a loving hug...

But as she went over to hug him, he would constantly shun himself away realizing that his existence was pointless after finding a meaning to live...

He was broken inside...

He saw how Cecilia loved the Original than him...

The difference was incomparable...

Her love was stronger for the original...

He soon broke down in their shared room which only had him inside as Cecilia soon returned to the infirmary...

The clone didn't know what to do...

He doesn't know how to live on any longer...

He lived in the image of a person who he replaced...

He shouldn't have existed in the first place...!

The Second Raito would then walk out of his room and meet his father, or rather "His" Father... 

Second Raito: "Dad..."

Aruto: "What is it, son?"

Second Raito: "What should I do...?"

Aruto looked confused before remembering what had happened and began to hug him in his warm embrace...

Tears soon wet Aruto's clothes as Izu and Soreo soon joined the hug...

Second Raito: "Should I even exist...?"

The teen said in a weak tone, trembling due to the internal issue he has inside his mind.

Aruto: "You should never doubt your own existence, I'm sorry that I didn't know about this..."

Soreo: "It's cruel to have a problem accepting your own identity, but it is even crueler to despair over your own existence..."

Izu: "Agreed...It is unacceptable that a person should go through that without any assistance..."

Second Raito: "So what should I do now...?"

He said with tears in his eyes...

Aruto: "I'm not sure, that's for you to decide, but we need to take step one to solve the problem..."

Second Raito: "And what is the first step?"

Aruto: "Forming your own identity..."

Izu: "Agreed...Forming your own identity will assist greatly in solving this predicament..."

Raito: "Well....What should my new name be?"

Aruto: "That is for you to choose..."

After a few minutes of thinking he thought of a name that could work for him...

Raito: "What about: Yusuke?"

Soreo: "That's a good name..."

Aruto: "I officially welcome you to the family, Yusuke..."

Yusuke: "Thanks, Dad..."

Aruto: "No problem son..."

Chapter Ends...

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