Chapter 24: Discontinued Programming...

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As Metsubojinrai.Net retreats, Kamen Rider Ichi-Gata reverts back to his Civilian form and introduces himself to be Raito's technical Grandfather...

Why technical...?

Because he is a HumaGear that was adopted to the Hiden family to be Aruto's father...

And Aruto adopted Raito to the Hiden Family as his father...

Aruto and Izu recently arrived to the Academy after hearing what happened and that Metsubojinrai had reassembled...

Hiden Soreo, Raito's Grandfather would tell Aruto what happened before they arrived...

Aruto was then told that Raito's A.I. was cloned as his body was given the Back-Up data and the clone lived his life as he replaced him after the events of him transforming into Metal Cluster Hopper...

Taiga would then tell of his experience battling Raito in that form before the Progrise Hopper Blade was developed and completed...

Taiga: "I didn't know that this would happen...I only did it by the orders of my father..."

Taiga: "But the second time that he transformed his whole attitude just changed..."

Aruto: "Changed how...?"

Taiga: "His voiced became deeper and his fighting style became more ruthless..."

Taiga: "He ran up to me and demanded to know what happened to him, even though he choked me, I could feel that he was screaming in pain..."

Aruto: "How do you know that...?"

Taiga: "His voice was broken..."

Taiga: "His tone was filled with anger and sadness..."

Taiga: "But I thought when he was given that Hopper Blade, that his A.I. was restored..."

Taiga: "But instead it looks like his A.I. was given a Back-Up and the Original was still contained in ARK..."

Cecilia: "So that means that we have two Raito's now..."

Raito: "So does that mean, I'm just a mere clone of the original...?"

Raito: "So I've been living a life that isn't supposed to be mine at all...?"

Ichika: "Calm down, Clone or not, We're still your friends...?"

Raito: "Are you sure about that...?"

Raito: "I'm just a Rip-Off! An Impostor!"

Raito: "I'm not your real friend!"

Raito: "I was only given the memories and personality of the Real Raito..."

Raito: "I'm not even supposed to exist!"

Cecilia heard this and was extremely enraged and slapped Raito's face!

Raito held his newly slapped cheek in shock as he stared at Cecilia...

Cecilia: "Don't ever say that!"

Cecilia: "You may not be the Original Raito, but you should stop saying that!"

Raito: "Why should I!?"

Raito: "For all I know you're not the Woman I fell in love with!?"

Raito: "The Raito that love you is him!"

He panted after saying those words while staring at Cecilia...

Cecilia's eyes turn red as she tried to hold her tears in...

Cecilia then backhand slaps Raito on the other cheek with tears in her eyes and ran away crying!

Raito then holds his cheek in pain...

While everyone gasped at the scene...

Aruto then puts his arm on Raito's shoulder...

Aruto: "You may not be my original son, but you are still my son regardless, and the other you there is your brother, so you need to accept this life or make your own and help us save your brother from ARK..."

Raito: "I think that is the correct course of action..."

Soreo: "I know that this is a hard decision, so please think it over and calm your mind, we need you, but if you don't want to Aruto can be Zero One until you know what your heart wants to do..."

Raito: "I'll think it over..."

He said handing over the Zero Driver to Aruto...

Aruto: "Okay...."

Aruto: "It's alright, no matter what we'll be here for you..."

Raito: "I understand..."

Raito: "But I need to clear my mind and think about it..."

Aruto: "Very well...We'll wait for you then..."

Raito: "Thanks...Dad...."

Raito then left the room leaving the silent room...

Shiro: "So what do we do...?"

Aoi: "What can we do...?"

Soreo: "We'll wait for their move..."  

As this happened Azu and her mysterious Progrise Key appeared in the base of Metsubojinrai.Net and gathered the Singularity Data of all of the members...


Chapter Ends... 

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