Chapter 6

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Maddie POV:
Mom finally pulled the car in the parking lot at aldc. I finally was able to see my fav, the BÆ, and I wondered if he missed me...

I walked to the front door and saw Abby smirking at me. I looked and Kenzie who saw the same thing.

"Hello ms Abby!" I told her with my big smile.

"Well hello Maddie and Kenzie." She said only staring at me.

"So....." I took a breath. "Are we?" "Having a boy in the group this week Ms. Abby? Yes Maddie." She said as if she read my mind. And I smiled and told her I will be practicing at studio B.

Kenzie POV:
I don't really know why but ms Abby didn't look at me once when we walked in through the door. She instead looked directly at Maddie the whole time. What was going on? So I told Maddie I would go to studio B and practice with her but she told to stay at the dancers den with everyone else. So I did what she asked for. Wait with everyone else. But I was there first and was alone for about 5 minutes...

Soon everyone finally came in. "Hey Kenz! Where's Maddie?" "Hey Mads isn't here today?" "Oh Kenzie? Are you by yourself?" Was the only things I heard when they came. I explained that Maddie was practicing if warming up in studio b.

Maddie POV:
I heard a sound coming in from studio B. I wanted to warmup a little and practice some steps so I still went in to the studio.

When I went in, I heard a romantic music from the CD player, so I started improving. I knew something was wrong because I heard giggles behind my head. I looked around but no one was there. So I sat down and started stretching.

*clap, clap, clap* "wow Maddie! You improved from 3 weeks ago!" A boy said and I immediately knew it was Gino! I looked at him and gave him a giant hug. "Oh my gosh! I missed you so much Gino!" I told him. "Me too. He said."

Then we heard ms Abby screaming, "Come on dancers! Get into studio A!" So I said goodbye to Gino and lined up with the others in studio A.

It was pyramid again. I hated the pyramid because Kelly and Christi got mad at me if I was on the top.

"Okay girls! You all won last weekend! Congrats!" She told us and we all cheered.

"First is, Nia! I gave you a solo, you bombed it and didn't even place! I told you to show me that you CAN do a solo! I'm disappointed!" Abby yelled and Nia nodded.
"Second, Paige. You had a duet with Chloe. You guys got second place? No. Second place is the big losers!" Paige nodded and said sorry.
"Third, Chloe. Same with Paige!" Chloe nodded and looked at Paige.
"Next row, Brooke. Good job on 3rd place in your acro solo but maybe next time, you can do better." Brooke said thank you and smiled.
"Next, Kendall. Good job in the duet with Maddie but YOU didn't win. Maddie won it for you. So you better catch up!" And Jill rolled her eyes.
"Next there's two people on the top today. Obviously it's Kenzie and Maddie." And everyone clapped. "Kenzie you were first place overall! Congrats! And Maddie, you were first place overall and had the HIGHEST score at the competition last weekend!" And everyone clapped.
"We will be attending the Star Bright Comp this weekend at Los Angeles!" We all got excited! We were going to LA!!!!
Then Abby looked at the door. "Now, let's welcome... GINO!"
We all ran to him and hugged. Of course I had to be squished by everyone and I couldn't move off of him. And ms Abby told us to line up. But Gino's buttons got hooked onto my chain on my California Kisses. And it was awkward because everyone started to laugh at us and my mom had to come to us and fix us. I apologized to Abby who was laughing on the floor. I don't think she was listening but I went back to line.

Finally Abby got up. "Sorry but that was too funny." And glared at me.
"This week... Maddie has a duet with Gino and it is called 'Sass on Me'. Mackenzie, you have an acro/contemporary duet with Brooke. It's called 'When I Grow Up.' Kendall let's try to do a solo this weekend. But I'm not sure what it'll be yet. And the group dance is called 'The Love Chain' and it'll be about a boy, obviously Gino who's in love with Maddie. But Maddie doesn't like him and instead Chloe does. But then Mackenzie tells Maddie to just act like she likes him and then they actually fall in love. Okay. Mo suite dismissed and girls and Gino start stretching so we can do the group dance."

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