Chapter 12

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Maddie POV:
I woke up today with the sunshine in my eyes and quickly looked on my phone.

7 new messages.

It said on my phone and I giggled a bit. Hmm is it gonna be a lucky day today? I questioned myself. So I unlocked my phone and looked at the messages.

Nick💩: Maddie. I'm very sorry for everything I have done to you. I love you so much my gorgeous girl! <3 you will forever and always be my girl!
Nick💩: please reply as quickly as possible okay Maddie?
Nick💩: and I don't like Hannah so don't worry. :)
Nick💩: I love you to the moon and back <3

I stared at my phone confused. Doesn't he remember the thing that happened? The thing that broke my heart? But he still wants to call me his?! Ridiculous!

Maddie: Nick. I'm not yours. Don't you remember? And stop trying. I like my Bae more than you! Even if your attractive it won't help! :(

And I went to the other messages.

Chloe Lukasiak⭐️: hey mads... Gino's cheating on you :( I'm so sorry...

"No he's not Chloe! Stop being jealous!" I yelled hoping I didn't wake my mom and Kenzie up because it's still 6:48.

The other two texts were from Gino hoping that Chloe wasn't right.

Gino the bae💟: I'm so sorry Maddie. And I'm scared.
Gino the bae💟: please text me soon so I can tell you :((
Maddie: Chloe said your cheating on me. I don't believe her. But what's wrong Bae? <3

I replied as soon as I could and wondered what happened. Then I finally got a reply.

Gino the bae💟: Chloe was here IN my bed with me when I woke up!! And when I opened my eyes... She was uncovered. Then she started to make out with me and I couldn't let go! She held on me for 10 minutes! I couldn't even breath!!! So I kicked her out of my house and told her that it was a gross thing to do and that she should get away from you and me.
Maddie: why the heck would she do that!? >:( that's sooooooo gross!!
Gino the bae💟: exactly! I don't get it! How did she even get into my house? I really don't know......
Maddie: well that's really creepy and gross... Hope she was wearing at least an underwear and a bra. And see you at dance <3
Gino the bae💟: nope she wasn't... And okay :)

I shut my phone thinking why Chloe, my old best friend would do that! I mean we are still best friends but she has her twinnie and I have Kendall who's MY twin and bro.

Then... I started getting ready for school. I put on a pink flowy top and my new navy lululemon which I never have worn yet but I got for my birthday a couple of months ago... I also threw on my purple converse and put my hair in a natural look. I thought I looked actually pretty without makeup so I didn't bother to put anything on today like some school days...

"Kenzie your still sleeping!?" I could hear mom trying to wake Kenzie up but sounds like Kenzie isn't waking up. Oh well.

So I walked down stairs and packed up my lunch and zipped my backpack. Mom still was upstairs with Kenzie so I went on Instagram. And one comment stood out like a needle.

Authors note :
Hehe sorry 🙈🌸
I will update soon. I have the story but I just don't like posting them on the same day 💕
Love you guys!! Thanks for 700+ reads!❤️
And also the picture is from IG, @/shinydancemoms! So go follow her!

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