Chapter Four

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Rory stared at herself in the mirror, her hair was no longer red. It was not the darkest shade of black that she could dye it to and her eyes were a piercing blue to contrast it. After her run-in with Dick and Jason, Rory had to change what she looked like and fast. She didn't know if they were going to try and keep tabs on her, or even tell Bruce what they knew. The only thing she wanted was neither Tim nor Oli to find out about her secret. 

Roy knowing was bad enough, he had gotten the number she used to call Dick and wouldn't stop calling her as he tried to get her to open up. IT had gotten so bad that she disconnected the number and got a new burner phone, ditching the last one in the canals in Venice. 

That's where she currently was; Venice, Italy. Tiger Shark wasn't exactly clear about what League he was working for, but after Cheshire's visit later that night her suspicions were confirmed. Her intel had told her that there was a hidden base somewhere in Venice and she was going to find it. 

Running her hand through her damp, freshly-dyed hair she winced. At this rate, her hair was going to be damaged forever with how much she dyed it different colors. The best option was to enlist a magician, but the best ones worked for the League or at least knew Zatanna, and Rory was not going to risk the Justice League finding out about this or they too would try and put a stop to her. It was a surprise she had stayed off their radar for so long. 

Maybe they had bigger fish to fry, or just maybe someone was keeping her off their radar. Either way, she was grateful.

There were still six hours until sundown and she was in one of the biggest tourist capitals of the world. Multiple movies had been filmed here, she even had a mission with the League here as well. She and Tim had talked about coming here for a weekend, to get away from their crazy life but it had never happened. Rory dumped him before they could fully make any plans.

Grabbing a hairdryer, she dried her hair to try and make the dye stick faster and got dressed in the most casual clothes she could find. Her eyes glazed over the small box that was set aside that was normally tucked away in her bag, it kept the things she held most precious to her that Rory couldn't part with no matter how painful the memories were.

With a sigh, she walked over and opened it slowly, and looked at the contents inside. The first item was her mother's bracelet, the silver band that had various charms on it now from Barbara, Cass, Steph, Donna, Zatanna, Dinah, and Diana. They had all given her a charm the represented themselves for her to clip onto it. Her fingers grazed over the charms, remembering each moment she had received them from. 

Setting it to the side, she found the vintage daisy necklace Tim had gotten her from that store three years ago. He knew that daisies were her favorite, so he got her the necklace as a gift. That was the day he had taken her around the city before finally asking her to move in with him.

Underneath that was the golden rose necklace he had also gotten her for their six months anniversary. The rose was still in perfect condition, it was something she didn't want to wear many places in case something bad had happened and she could risk losing it. The red of the petals stood out against the gold of the stem and her eyes began to water.

The last item in the box had her choking back sobs, at the bottom was the black diamond ring he had gotten her. It was their promise that they would be together through everything, a promise she had broken. Rory still loved Tim with all her heart, he was the one for her but she knew he would be better off without her. It was still in perfect condition, the diamond was still shining in the light with the silver band polished nicely. 

Wiping away the tears, she set each item back in the box and tucked it into her bag before she grabbed her sunglasses and hit the streets of Venice. The first thing she did was stop at a bar and ordered three cocktails for herself. Rory had a high alcohol tolerance and with the sudden surge of emotion, she wanted to wipe it away with liquor and bad company. 

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