Chapter Twenty-Six

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Rory walked down the street with a spring in her step. This had been the happiest she had been in a long time, and it showed. Back when she arrived in Gotham all those years ago, she wouldn't have thought that she would be madly in love with her best friend, living with him, and had been getting a move on with her life once again.

She wasn't going to let Slade or anyone else ruin it for her ever again.

But if only that was true.

Before she could register what was happening, Rory was dragged back into an alley with a hand covering her mouth and thrown into a wall, her chest pressed against it while her arms were held behind her back.

"Aurora Queen, you have been summoned by the demon," a voice said from behind her.

With a growl, Rory butted her head back into her captor's face before kicking off the wall and flipping over their head. Recognizing the uniforms, Rory quickly pulled out the knife she always kept stashed away in her purse before holding up in defense.

"Make another move and I'll cut you down," she growled.

The assassins in front of her gave Rory a mocking look. "You can't take all of us at once, Aurora Queen. Besides, we doubt you would want anything to happen to someone you loved now do you?" one spoke up, walking towards her.

Rory gripped the knife in her hand tighter as she glared. "What the fuck are you talking about?" she growled.

Reaching into a hidden pocket of her suit, one of the assassins pulled out various photos and threw them to the ground in front of Rory. Slowly, she knelt down and glanced at the pictures in front of her and frowned at what they were of.

Each picture was of Tim, some were a few days old but others were of that morning right before she left. She should know because Rory was in them herself wearing that same outfit. Looking up at the group in front of her, Rory tried to quell her quickly rising temper.

"What do you want from me?" she ground out.

"Ra's Al Ghul deems you too dangerous to be left alive and out of his control." an assassin said.

Rory turned on her heels to face the speaker with a glare. "Well, you can tell Ra'S aL gHuL," she sneered, drawing the name in mockery, "that no one controls me. I decide what I do, who I work for and no decrepit old lizard is going to get a say in it."

Taking a page from the bat's book, Rory dropped the smoke bomb she concealed in her pocket and took off in the confusion. She had to get out of town and quick. Tim's life was at risk and Rory would do anything to prevent something from happening to him.

But she knew no matter what she did, Tim would follow her to the ends of the Earth. Rory loved him for it, but this was the one time she didn't want him to follow her. Managing to get away, Rory took refuge in the middle of a crowded street. None of the assassins would be stupid enough to attack her in a crowded space and risk blowing their cover.

How was she going to get out of this and not drag Tim down with her?

Deep down, Rory knew what she had to do in order to make sure Tim did not follow her or even try to stop her. She had to break his heart, make him hate her so he wouldn't follow her. The terrible thing was, she knew exactly what to say.

Tim had confided in her some time before that he was scared Rory was going to wake up one day and not love him anymore. He knew at times he was hard to get along with and take care of when he gets into one of those moods with certain cases. Tim and Rory both lost people close to them, but neither was sure if they would survive losing each other.

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