Chapter Thirty

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Rory spun slowly as she looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the dress she was wearing. She had spent the entire afternoon watching Tim and his team clean the training room, as per the agreement they made when placing bets on the prank war. Naturally, Rory won and that meant she got some well-deserved relaxation time.

Most of it was spent having tea parties with Lian. All she had to do was bat her eyes and Rory would do whatever Lian wanted, but who could blame her? When Lian was born and left at Roy's doorstep, Rory swore to protect that little girl from any and all harm.

A knock at her door brought Rory out of her thoughts. "Come in!"

Conner poked his head in and saw Rory in her costume, "Hey, you almost ready? Lian is about to combust if she has to wait any longer to go trick-or-treating." Looking her over, he couldn't help but chuckle. "That's really the costume she bullied you into?"

"Bullied is a strong word."

"But it's the right word."

Rory rolled her eyes, "Fine, whatever. Tell the little princess that I am almost done and we can get all the candy we want."

"Roy is going to love you after this." he laughed and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Joining the others in the living room, he walked towards the back where Cassie and Althea were talking, laughing at some joke Duke told them.

Adjusting his jacket, Conner decided to stay on brand and dress as Danny from Grease. Cassie decided to dress as a Pink Lady and Althea thought it would be funny to be Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service. Bart's costume was the funniest of them all, he was dressed as Waldo from Where's Waldo. The four of them stood off to the side, watching Roy and Jason try and calm a very cranky Lian.

"Daddy! All the candy will be gone!" she cried. "Auntie Blue is taking too long."

"Well, Auntie Blue put on this complicated dress just for you so you better behave." Rory said, walking into the room, dressed as Briar Rose from Sleeping Beauty. Jason smirked seeing her costume, amused Lian could talk her into dressing as Princess Aurora.

"Not one word out of you Jason, or I will kick you."

"Cheerful as always, princess." he grinned.

"Says the guy dressed as a zombie, could you have been any more original?" she cocked her head to the side, crossing her arms.

"Hey! I'm not the dumba--" Jason caught the glare of both Roy and Rory before quickly correcting his words. "I mean, I'm not the dummy who dressed as Robin Hood."

"Dummy is a mean word, Uncle Jay." Lian pouted, crossing her arms while glaring at Jason.

"Mean or not, your dad is a dummy sweetheart." he waved off Roy's irritated look.

"Dumb or not, at least I didn't dress as the guy who adopted me."

Everyone turned to look at Dick and Duke who were dressed as Bruce Wayne and Batman respectively. "Do you two want to explain why the hell you are dressed as the same guy?"

"Bruce thinks he can ground me still even though I'm in my thirties," Dick explained, "and told Duke that if he recklessly jumps out of a car again he will ground him too."

"This is how we stick it to the man without causing a public uprising." Duke agreed, holding the cowl of his suit in his hand while Dick leaned on his shoulder Damian was to his left, shaking his head at his brother's antics. This year, he was dressed as his best friend Jon's hero alias, Superboy. Back in Metropolis, Jon was walking around dressed as Robin.

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