Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Ghost looked out over the city, her target was on the move and fast. If she was going to take him down, it had to be now. Adjusting the mask resting on her face, she took off across the rooftops of Moscow. Her target was a man who worked with the League, providing information from the inside of several governments from around the world. If she took him out, that would be one less person providing information to the League of Assassins.

Following the sleek black car as it drove across the city, Ghost leaped off a building and landed on top of the car with a loud thud. Upon her arrival, the car swerved and took a turn down an empty street.

Before something else happened, Ghost swung over and kicked through the driver's window knocking him out, sending the vehicle in circles as the wheel was turned abruptly. Gripping tight to the roof, Ghost dodged the bullets coming at her before slashing a tire.

In hindsight, slashing a tire while the car was at this speed was a bad idea. With the sudden change, the car tipped and began to roll down the street. Before she could get caught up in it, Ghost dove towards the ground and rolled to a stop as she watched the car continue to tumble down the street.

As it slowed, Ghost got to her feet and took off for the car. Her Target was still inside, and if she was lucky he would have died in the accident. That was one less person to watch die at her hand. She knew this was also her fault, but Ghost could save the last shreds of her soul she had left, not watching the life leave his eyes.

With her hand reaching back for one of her swords, Ghost crept up to the car and opened the door. What she saw was not what she expected. Instead of three dead bodies, there were only two and neither were even dead. The worst thing was, her target wasn't even in the damn vehicle.

If he wasn't in the car, then where was he?

There was a snap behind her, and Ghost unsheathed her sword and turned, slicing at whatever it was behind her. But she was surprised to see there was no one there. Her eyes widened in confusion, whoever was there was playing with her. And Ghost hated being played with.

Before she could think about it anymore, there was another snap behind her. Ghost turned even quicker than last time, only to see no one there once again. Curling her lip up in a snarl, Ghost tightened her grip on her sword. This was getting really old and she had about enough of it.

This time, she didn't hear a snap. Ghost didn't hear a single thing. Instead, she felt someone behind her breathe down her neck, sending chills down her spine. With not enough time to react, Ghost was knocked off her feet and into the snow. The last thing she saw was a blond man with a sick smile on his face as he hit her with a lead pipe, knocking her unconscious.

Rory felt a hand on her shoulder, before she could process anything she grabbed the hand and flipped them to the floor. Pulling out the dagger she kept hidden under her pillow, Rory pressed it against the person's throat with a snarl.

"Rory what the fuck! It's me!"

Shaking her head, Rory's vision came into focus and saw tufts of red hair. Red, not blond. Her breathing evened out as she stared down at a startled Roy below her. Roy had red hair, not blond and she was in Jump City, not Moscow. Not anymore.

Slowly the realization dawned on her what she just did, Rory scrambling off of Roy and tossing the dagger to the side. Backing herself up until she hit the dresser, Rory lost focus as her breathing became more erratic.

She almost killed Roy because of a nightmare.

Her hands gripped her hair as she tried to stuff down the memories once more, there was a reason she didn't talk about what happened in Moscow and Rory wanted to keep it that way.

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