Chapter Thirty-Two

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Rory sat at the edge of her balcony, looking out at the city below her, a glass of vodka held tightly in her hand as she swirled the liquid before taking a drink. Her legs dangled through the protective bars as she watched the people below hustle and bustle through their everyday lives.

Ever since the day Rory was born, her life was never meant to be normal. Being born a Sonnet, and then becoming a Queen her life became a succession of adrenaline spikes and death-defying lows.

Not only was she adopted by another family, a good one too, but she became Arrowette after Cissie decided to quit and turned into someone she never thought she would be: a hero, a savior, a killer, an assassin, a member of the Justice League. Never in her dreams did she ever imagine those outcomes.

Rory often wondered what would have become of her if Oliver never took her in. Would she have gone into the system or would she be adopted by a different family but one who was nothing like Oliver and Dinah.

Taking another sip of her vodka, Rory heard the door open behind her but she paid no heed to it. She knew exactly who was behind her, and she didn't care enough to stop him.

Tim sat beside her, taking note of the half-empty bottle next to her. Letting out a sigh, he grabbed it and turned it before setting it back down.

"You know you shouldn't drink, not when you're in this mindset."

Rory sighed, sending him a glare. "What, are you worried that I'm going to get drunk and do something stupid?"

"I'm worried that you'll convince me to do something stupid."

"I think you overestimate my abilities there, Timmy."

Tim chuckled softly, looking at her. "I've never overestimated you, Rory. If anything, I've always underestimated you and everything you can do." Reaching over, Tim carefully took her hand running his thumb over the soft skin.

Curling her fingers around his, Rory tightened her grip on them. Even when no words were spoken, Tim knew what she needed.

He was aware something happened on Halloween, because ever since Rory had shut herself in her room during the hours of the day except for when she ate. Her nights were spent in the training room, pushing herself to new limits that no sane person could handle.

Tim could see the bags forming, with a haunted look ever-present in her gaze like she was trapped in the ghosts of her past desperately trying to outrun them. With a sigh, he took the glass from her hands before pulling Rory onto his lap. She was more important to him than anything in the world, and he wanted to make sure she was okay,

Rory curled into his chest, wrapping her arms around his middle. She wanted to tell him everything; she needed to. The weight of her actions was constantly dragging her down, and the only sense of calm she had was when she was with Tim.

Rubbing her back, Tim hummed a soft tune trying to calm her. He could feel her heart thumping rapidly, daring to break free from her chest. His shirt was quickly soaked from the tears she couldn't hold back anymore as Rory sobbed.

Carefully, Tim gripped her thighs before rising to his feet and lying on her bed holding Rory close. While she cried into his chest, Rory told him everything. He knew she would eventually open up to him, and after Halloween, he knew she just needed to get it out and so she did.

Rory told him everything: from the first night she left, the name of every person she killed, what happened with Nikolai, to every nightmare she's had since disappearing and Tim listened to it all.

After an hour, Rory had finally stopped crying and everything was in the air. Tim held her the whole time, not saying a word because he knew she needed him to listen. Once she was calm enough, Tim cupped her face making her look up at him.

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