Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It didn't take long for word to get to Bruce about the prank war. His only response was a simple call telling them to "Make sure they kept the tower in one piece." With Halloween right around the corner, everyone was excited. Dick, Roy, and Duke decided to stick around a bit longer to spend the holiday with everyone at the tower and even managed to get Jason and Damian to agree to come down with the others for the night. Steph, Cass, and Babs were off on some Batgirl business and wouldn't be back until November.

The conditions were, Tim and Rory's prank war had to be finished. That gave them just under two weeks to get everything done and over with, finally proclaiming a winner. Almost two days after Rory's sink aquariums, Tim's team struck.

While Rory and her team were out looking for decorations and costumes, Tim and his were busy at work executing their second prank. Tim knew what bugged Rory the most, and his next prank was based around just that.

Even as kids, Rory was particular about her possessions. Tim knew he was playing with fire by coming up with this one, but after the plants in the keyboards and the bathroom aquariums, it was time to strike hard.

Dick lifted Tim onto his shoulders, Cassie floating not far from where he was. She was holding the objects to the ceiling, while he taped them. Bart was stationed outside the door, making sure no one was coming down the hall. They had already gotten Rory's, Roy's Althea's, and Duke's rooms done taping as much as they could to the tall ceilings.

They even managed to get bedside tables up on the ceiling, requiring a lot of effort.

With Conner's stuff up and taped, finishing off with his clothes Dick helped Tim off his shoulders and laughed.

"You know, I'm glad that I'm on your team,'' he said. "Seeing you use your big brain for evil like this is kinda scary."

Tim laughed and looked up at his brother. "Let that be a warning to you."

Dick rolled his eyes as they all left the room. Checking his phone, he saw he had a text from Roy saying he was on his way with the others. It seemed they finished just in time because minutes later everyone walked in carrying bags filled with decorations and costumes.

Lian was dragging Rory by the hand with Roy behind her trying to hide his laughter. It was nice to see Rory was getting this kind of time with Lian, it was important to her because of all the time she had lost.

Next walked in Duke with Althea and Conner at his side laughing at some joke Conner told them on the way up.

The second she saw Dick, Lian ran up and pulled his arm wanting to show him her costume.

"Uncle Dick look! Look!" she cried. "Look what Daddy got me!"

Kneeling to her level, he watched as Lian drugged the bag with her costume tucked away in it. Reaching in, she took out her costume and Dick could see it was a Princess Ariel costume, complete with a red wig and everything.

"I love it! Did you pick this out all by yourself?" he asked, smiling at the little girl.

Lian nodded quickly. "Auntie Blue helped me find the right size, and she is going to be a princess too!"

Everyone turned to look at Rory, an expectant look on their faces as if they were waiting for an explanation.

Crossing her arms, Rory shook her head. "I'm not saying a single word. You'll all have to wait for Halloween," she said and carried her bag to her room. Tim and his team all gave each other a knowing look.

As she entered her room, Rory instantly knew something was up. Squinting her eyes, she looked around and saw nothing was how she left it. Instantly, her heart rate picked up. She was unsure if this was a prank or not, but the only thing she was concerned about was her little wooden box.

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